Correct answer: Present Perfect
The sentence has a verb and past participle. "Present Perfect" has this kind of word structure.
Correct answer: Gerund
All verbs that end in "ing" are classified as "Gerund."
Correct answer: Reported Statement
We can think of "Reported Statement" if we use the verbs "say" or "tell."
Correct answer: Present Participle
"Present Participle" is another word for "present continuous tense."
Correct answer: Passive Voice
It contains the verb "to be" in any of its forms, as well as another verb in its past participle. This is how the "Passive Voice" is created.
Correct answer: Modal Auxiliary
The verbs can, could, should, may, might. They have specific functions such as expressing certainty or uncertainty, moral obligation, giving advice, and expressing ability, among others.
Correct answer: Reflexive Pronouns
The ones that end in self or selves are referred to as "Reflexive Pronouns."
Correct answer: Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns are used to refer to previous nouns, so we can say the person doing this, the book that made you laugh, or things that they say.
Correct answer: Past perfect simple
The verb "had" is in past form, and the following verb is in either "ed" or irregular form. That is called " Past perfect simple".
Correct answer: Present perfect simple
The verb to have is "We've" and the following verb is "seen" in its a participle form. As a result, it is a "Present perfect simple."
Correct answer: Gerund
Some verbs must be preceded by "ing" structure. That is the "Gerund" form.
Correct answer: Reported Speech
The sentence's verb is "said," and it is a "Reported Speech."
Correct answer: located
The verb "is" plus the adverb ending in "ly" plus the preposition "in." As a result, the answer should end with "ed" or in past participle form.
Correct answer: contained
There's a preposition "in". If there is a preposition, such as "to,by,for,with,in," it should be a verb that ends in "ed" or a past participle.
Correct answer: has
Since there's no preposition following the past participle, it is an active form. The subject is singular so the answer is "has".
Correct answer: installed
The sentence contains the verbs "to be" and "to have." This could be a sentence that ends in active or passive voice. If the sentence is about material nonliving things, the passive voice "installed" will be the correct answer.
Correct answer: ordering
The sentence has a verb "to have" and even though there's a verb "to be" there, the answer should be in active sentence that ends in "ing".
Correct answer: interested
Let's say "People who are interested" plus the preposition "in," and you have the passive voice. The words "who" and "are" will be eliminated from the sentence. As a result, the answer is "interested."
Correct answer: made
The sentence contains the preposition "by." If there is a preposition, it should be accompanied by a verb that ends in "ed" or in past participle form.
Correct answer: installing
Because the subject is a person and we have the verb "to be," the sentence should be in the active form. "Installing" is the correct answer.
Correct answer: describing
Let's say "box that describes details". The word "that" should be removed, and the verb "describes" should be in the Gerund form. As a result, the answer is "describing."
Correct answer: be received
In the sentence, the word "should" is a Modal verb. It should be followed by a simple verb form. As a result, the answer is "be received."
Correct answer: refer to the future
"Come back" is referring to the future.
Correct answer: introduce a reason
The word "as" in the sentence, introduce a reason which is about the weather.
Correct answer: introduce a definition
The word "who" from the sentence, introduce a definition.