PARCC Verb Practice Test Questions


1. The interior temperatures of even the coolest stars are measured in millions of degrees.

Correct! Wrong!

1. C: "Are" is the auxiliary verb for passive voice and "measured" is the past participle of the verb "to measure." "Coolest" (A) is the superlative form of the adjective "cool," modifying "temperatures." "Of even" (B) and "in millions" (D) are prepositional phrases.

2. Thomas Edison tried many filaments for his incandescent lamp.

Correct! Wrong!

2. D: "Tried" is past tense of verb "to try." "Many" (A) is an adjective modifying the noun "filaments" (C). "For his" (B) is a prepositional phrase.

3. Jill sets the plates on the table.

Correct! Wrong!

3. D: "Sets" is present tense of the transitive verb "to set." "The" (A) is an article modifying the noun "plates" (B). "Table" (C) is a noun.

4. The child's balloon was slowly rising into the sky.

Correct! Wrong!

4. A: "Rising" is the progressive/continuous participle of the verb "to rise." "Slowly" (B) is an adverb modifying "rising." "Into" (C) is a preposition. "Balloon" (D) is a noun.

5. The shoes were still lying where Ethan had left them.

Correct! Wrong!

5. B: "Were" is a plural past-tense form of "to be," an auxiliary verb here helping the verb "lying" (not a choice). "Still" (A) is an adverb modifying "were lying." "Them" (C) is a plural impersonal pronoun. "Shoes" (D) is a plural noun.

6. Several changes in classroom procedures were affected by the new principal.

Correct! Wrong!

6. D: "Affected" in this sentence is the past participle of the verb "to affect," helped by the auxiliary verb "were." "Changes" (A) is a plural noun. "In" (B) and "by" (C) are prepositions.

7. The soaked papers were laid in the sunlight.

Correct! Wrong!

7. C: "Laid" in this sentence is the past participle of the transitive verb "to lay" [+ object], helped by auxiliary verb "were." "Soaked" (A) is an adjective modifying the noun "papers" (B). "In the" (D) is a prepositional phrase.

8. The letter from the teacher implied that the child was not turning in his work.

Correct! Wrong!

8. D: "Turning" is the progressive/continuous participle of the verb "to turn." "From" (A) is a preposition. "Not" (B) is an adverb of negation. "His" (C) is the possessive third-person singular masculine personal pronoun.

9. Luke didn't mean to hurt you during the baseball game.

Correct! Wrong!

9. D: "Mean" is the verb. "Baseball" (A) in this sentence is an adjective modifying the noun "game." "During" (B) is a preposition. The name "Joe" (C) is a proper noun.

10. Amber used to recite the alphabet in Chinese.

Correct! Wrong!

10. D: "Recite" is the verb. "The" (A) is an article modifying the noun "alphabet" (B). "In" (C) is a preposition.

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