The only other option that it could be is "bower," but that's not correct because bower is part of a new prepositional phrase which begins right after "beneath the shade."
The predicate is the action of the subject, so the key is to first find the subject and then reduce the sentence to its simplest parts (i.e. the necessities of being considered a sentence).
There are several dependent clauses and two independents, making this compound-complex.
"onto" is a preposition with "world" being the object of the preposition.
The word knife receives the action of the verb "unsheathed."
The term "Dark Ages" is being utilized as a metaphor here. For a certain amount of time, a standard expression is used. As a result, it is advisable to maintain the capitalisation in the sentence as written; However, because the author refers to the time period as the It's best to keep the quote marks around the "so-called" period. shows that it is a written and spoken expression by many conventional authorities on the subject, as well as the fact that this is not a You don't require a comma before a straight quotation. expression.
The misuse of the infinitive in the sentence as written is the issue. When we say "had played," we use the past perfect form.
refers to things that happened in the past that aren't as recent as others. Verbs in the present tense in the sentence For instance, you can say, "After that, He went to bed after brushing his teeth "This suggests that the After brushing his teeth, the person went to bed culture
You must show that with the passage of time, with the passage of time, with the passage of time, with the passage of time, with the passage of time Monasteries would play a significant role in the coming years. The near future tense ("will play") isn't really suitable because we aren't there yet. Considering the future in relation to the remainder of the story passage. Using the conditional "would" makes things a little clearer. Given the "condition" of years passing, this expresses that Monasteries would play a crucial role in the preservation of cultural heritage culture.
The problem with the statement as stated is that it's core idea isn't clear. The number of the sentence's subject does not match the verb. The "Seeds" is the topic "Consider the following simple sentence to assess the verb: "The seeds had been. . If you were to say, "The seeds were," you'd be correct. would be alerted to the problem right away! The time in between If you're not paying attention, the phrase "for cultural restoration" can be distracting. cautious. There's no need for any more commas now. The word "for" is a preposition. Not a conjunction, but a preposition.
First, we must assess the sentence that has been highlighted. grammatically, and see if it's written appropriately. As you can see, that the dependent clause in the first sentence is punctuated correctly, and The sentence contains no grammatical faults. As a result, we must now assess its precise contextual relevance, which in this situation is to establish substantiate the allegations made in the second paragraph
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