One of the functions of testosterone is bone and skeletal muscle growth which affects size and mass. Androgen stimulates and controls development and maintenance of male characteristics; Luteinizing stimulates secretions of sex steroids from gonads; Progesterone has no function in men
Warning and precaution sections gives a summary of the most clinically adverse reactions and action taken. Adverse reactions list commonly occurring adverse reactions and incidence of these effects. Overdosage gives information on toxicity and the antidotes. Contraindication are situations in which the drug should not be used.
Answer "46.4" - Multiplying 8 times 1.8. Add the product 14.4 to 32.
Pharmacy technicians should do a mental check of dosage appropriateness and bring any concerns to the attention of the pharmacist. Never use error prone abbreviation, scan the original prescription and maintain a safe work area are way pharmacies can reduce errors.
A patient profile is required by OBRA 90 and may be either hard copy or a computerized list of the patient’s prescription and other information such name, date of birth and medical history. Medication administration record documents medication administered to a patient. Physician order sheet listing the physician order including drug and nondrug orders. Resident monitoring form documents behavior of a patient and any precipitating factors.
All medication expiration dates with a month and year indicates the last day of the month.
A beyond use date is assigned by the pharmacy when repackaging or compounding a medication. Expiration date is given by the manufacturer; Prescription date is written by the physician; Compounding date is given when a product is compounded.
Days supply restriction for a mail order supplies is 90 days. Retail pharmacies will have a 30 day limit.
Databases may vary from one pharmacy to another.
the thyroid is a gland that is a part of the endocrine system that produces hormones. Thymus, tonsil and spleen are organs part of the lymphatic system that production and proper functioning of the immune system.
“X” is used for prescribers who qualify to order medications used to treat opioid addiction. Mid-level practitioners use the letter “M”. The letters A, B, or F are used for all other physicians writing a prescription for controlled substances.
The correct answer:
1.8 g
The correct answer:
6.25 mg
The correct answer:
225 mg
The correct answer:
120 ml/hr
The correct answer:
28 days