With the help of Archie, users can more quickly locate particular files in FTP archives by indexing the archives. It was the very first search engine on the web.
Applets may be developed using Java. A small application, an applet is often an utility program with a single or limited function.
A connectionless protocol is UDP. Because it is comparable to sending a letter that you don't acknowledge receiving, it is known as a datagram protocol.
A dedicated, permanent connection to a network is provided by a NIC for a computer. To communicate with a data link layer standard, like Ethernet or Wi-Fi, it implements the requisite physical layer circuitry. Each card stands in for a separate piece of hardware and has the power to process, transmit, and regulate network traffic.
An open-source operating system is Linux® (OS). A computer's central processing unit (CPU), memory, and storage are all managed by the software known as the operating system. The operating system is the layer that connects all of your software to the hardware resources that actually do the work on your computer.
Pressing the Windows key plus D minimizes all currently visible windows. To bring them back, press once more.
When your computer starts up, click F8 or Shift + F8 to enter the BIOS and select Safe Mode.