When people report hearing a "hum" in your station's transmitted signal, a ground loop may be the cause. Ground loops frequently cause interference and noise, and in rare situations, they could even put users at danger for electric shock.
When using 3 kHz wide LSB, your displayed carrier frequency must be at least 3 kHz higher than the lower edge of a band's phone section.
To prevent discharge of the storage battery through the solar panel during periods of low or no light, a series diode is attached between the solar panel and the battery. Electronic parts with two terminals called diodes provide zero resistance in one direction and negligible resistance in the other.
Impedance matching at radio frequencies can be achieved using a transformer, a Pi-network, or a transmission line.
A power loss of 20.5% results from a line loss of 1 dB.
Three 10-millihenry inductors connected in parallel would have an inductance of 3.3 millihenries. The sum of one divided by each of the separate inductances equals one divided by the overall inductance.
The flow of electrons between the cathode and the plate of a vacuum tube is controlled by the control grid.