To prevent getting too little sleep at night, the nurse should rather discourage getting much of rest during the day. Chronic sinusitis patients frequently express weariness from a lack of sleep. Breathing problems, persistent headaches, and periorbital discomfort frequently interfere with sleep habits. Nasal stuffiness is worst in the morning. Better nasal drainage is encouraged by increasing oral fluid intake and humidity. Warm compresses applied to the sinuses would cause the sinuses to open up, reducing nasal congestion.
A stool softener called docusate sodium prevents water from being absorbed, enabling regular bowel movements. The alternate choices are incorrect.
According to the results, the patient has diverticulitis, a disorder where the intestinal mucosa's outpouchings are inflamed. Most frequently, the sigmoid colon is impacted.
Alcoholism causes Laennec's cirrhosis. Postnecrotic cirrhosis is brought on by a severe liver necrosis caused by hepatotoxins. Biliary cirrhosis is brought on by persistent biliary blockage. Cardiac cirrhosis is brought on by severe, right-sided congestive heart failure.
The client can move about without being constrained by a bed exit safety monitoring system. A bed exit safety monitoring system lowers the possibility of client falls and instantly alerts the medical staff if the client attempts to escape the bed. Additionally, it is a tool that can stop a case of nighttime roaming. The nurse should explain to the client and accompanying family members that this device does not restrict the client's movement. When the client requires help getting out of bed, the client should be told to telephone the nurse.
The patient is diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer based on the results. About 30 minutes after eating, symptoms of the "dumping syndrome" appear. Unaffected by meal consumption, gastric ulcer symptoms appear one to two hours after eating. Belching, heartburns, and a sour taste in the mouth are symptoms of chronic gastritis.
When a patient has muscular spasticity, the nurse will immediately halt the activity and gently pressure the spastic region until the patient's muscle relaxes. Range-of-motion exercises should be stopped if the client complains of discomfort, soreness, stiffness, rigidity, or any other unexpected symptoms. In such a circumstance, the doctor has to be notified. The optimum time to provide painkillers to a client is before an exercise to promote participation.