It was a calm Sunday afternoon, the calm before the chaos of traffic jams, alarm clocks, and deadlines on Monday morning. Rebecca's elbow continued to rest on the arm of the sofa covered with tapestries when the clock struck three. She started to stroke the rough piping that ran along its seams with her fingertips. Her left foot's toes swept back and forth over the sheepskin rug's edges at the same time. Rebecca found comfort in this movement; it took her back to her childhood home, where she used to sit in the family sitting room and play with the fringes of a different kind of rug. Naturally, she continued to do it more since her mother would yell at her to stop.
Suddenly, Rebecca smelled the glue Katy was using to create one of her artistic projects. Her daughter was perched on a cushion in the center of the room, appearing like an island amid a sea of felt-tip pens, sequins, cardboard cut-offs, and immaculate A4 sheets of paper that she had obediently stolen from her father's study. Really, Rebecca thought, she should be working at the kitchen table, but if my genius-daughter-at-work gets disturbed, I don't have the stomach for the tantrum that could ensue. Katy stood up every three minutes and fifty seconds to perform Kylie Minogue's rendition of "The Locomotion."
Her father, who was stretched out on the other sofa, asked, "Why don't you listen to the CD all the way through, Katy?" "You'd like the other songs as well." "Nah, too boring."
Rebecca gave David a quick glance before uttering, "I could do with something to perk me up." Her comments were followed by a yawn and a heavy sigh. She seemed to be hinting for the first time that he should get up and get her a cup of tea.
She saw a letter promoting gym classes and a dieting club that had been delivered a week ago on the lamp table next to the sofa. She had placed it on the table as a prompt, or maybe to summon the same type of enchanted feeling that people have when they shell out a lot of money for a fancy gym membership but don't visit the facility more than twice every two months.
She asked her spouse, "Have you seen this flyer?" She said, "I want to go lie down just thinking about working out." This time, she received no response. She made her third and most obvious attempt to grab a drink before getting dehydration-prone, "Who's going to make the tea then?"
He got to his feet. "I guess it's my turn again," he said, disappearing into the kitchen as the winner, Rebecca, tucked herself even more into the couch. Now, Charlie, who had been dozing on the sheepskin rug, began babbling in his own way. This afternoon, he was trying to cover every vowel sound in the book, much like a vocalist warming up. From time to time, he would press his fingers against his mouth, producing a sound that resembled an extended 'w'.
He was lying beneath a baby gym made of a red, white, and blue tubular frame with a top bar that suspended two clowns—one on a swing and the other in what Rebecca believed to be a pike. (She had earned her gold star medal in the trampoline a long time ago.) Charlie's cheerful babble turned into a grizzle as soon as he made eye contact with Rebecca.
Rebecca, annoying everyone, including herself, questioned in a baby's voice, "Does Charlie want feeding again?" She knelt to pick up her son. "Mum, he doesn't want feeding again. You've only just fed him," Katy replied. She warmed through Charlie's favorite mush of potatoes and broccoli in the kitchen and brought it back through to be with Katy. "I'll try-just in case he's hungry."
Rebecca fortunately saved face with her daughter and demonstrated that she didn't have to feel bad about sending her husband to make the tea because the baby was truly ready for a feed. That exact minute, David returned to the sitting room, her cup of Earl Grey, its subtle bergamot smell swaying in its saucer. With one hand, he held a sizable mug. Rebecca shot him a look of caution, daring him to place the cups somewhere else than on the oak blanket box that functioned as their coffee table. Already, two circles where hot drinks had been haphazardly plopped directly onto its surface marred its surface.
When Charlie finally had enough, she would know that her tea would be just the right temperature to drink all at once, so she said, "Thanks. You're a treasure." and sat down to feed him. After a few minutes, David asked, "Where's Katy got to?" The sound of their elder child entering her bedroom through the curtain came from upstairs, and there was the answer. It resembled the beaded curtains that were popular when Rebecca was a young girl, but instead of beads, this one was made from an eye-catching assortment of shimmering plastic squares in shades of pink, purple, and silver. It was quite fitting, but she couldn't recall which of them had called it the "jingle-jangler."
At the beginning of the novel, Rebecca's attitude is