R-503 is the only refrigerant on the list that is used in VERY high pressure appliances. R-410A and R-22 are used in high pressure appliances. R-500 is used in medium pressure appliances.
Expansion Device
The liquid line serves to connect the condenser to the expansion device - which is located at the end.
Individuals can report their findings to the EPA via the official EPA website.
R-22 is a part of the HCFC (hydrochloroflurocarbons) class.
Nitrogen is relatively stable and has a low temperature under pressurization.
These features make it useful when checking for leaks.
Latent Heat
In the latent heating process, the temperature does not change, but the state changes from a liquid to a gas.
R-11-Low pressure appliance
R-500 - Medium pressure appliance
R-503 - Very high appliance
R-410A - high pressure appliance
Chlorine ion at stratosphere is responsible for depletion of ozone molecules at stratosphere. HFC refrigerants do not have chlorine ions. Therefore HFCs have minimum ozne depletion potential. However HFC refrigerants are green house grasses and contributes to global warming.
Cold Vapor
Refrigerants absorb heat and convert it to cold vapor.
The stratosphere extends 31 miles high. It is just above the troposphere.
All of the above
All of the above are violations of the Clean Air Act:
Falsifying or failing to keep required records.
Failing to reach required evacuation levels before opening or disposing of appliances. Knowingly releasing CFC or HCFC refrigerants or their substitutes while repairing appliances.
This international treaty went into place in 1989. It was designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out various chemicals.
When chlorine ion reacts with ozone molecules in stratosphere oxygen and chlorine monoxide (clo-)is form. Chlorine monoxide (clo-) then again reacts with ozone molecules to oxygen and chlorine ion.
can cause asphyxia.
Even though R-22 is considered non-toxic, it can cause asphyxia.
NT Note:
Asphyxiation, which is essentially suffocating resulting from a lack of oxygen, can occur when refrigerants are released and present in medical rooms, confined spaces, etc. Because the refrigerant is heavier than the oxygen you breath, it actually displaces it from the floor up and deprives you. This is why refrigerant sensors that actuate alarms and ventilation equipment are mandated for mechanical equipment rooms.
Correct answer: Run the compressor and recover from the high side of the system only.
An appliance with an operating compressor and completely restricted capillary tube or metering device requires only one access valve on the high side of the system.
ARI 700
Under EPA's regulations, what standard must reclaimed refrigerant meet before resold? ARI 700
NT Note:
ARI 700 is a standard or publication by the AIR Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute and is the standard specification for refrigerants.