UCAT Decision Making Test #4


4 individuals Not necessarily in that order, H, I, J, and K represent a physician, a manager, a lecturer, and a teacher. They all drive different kinds of cars.
H is a physician.
J is a sports car owner.
K drives an electric vehicle.
The owner of a motorcycle is not necessarily the teacher.
Every weekend, the manager shines her scooter.

Of the following, which one has to be true?

Correct! Wrong!

We can infer from the facts that J and K are probably teachers or lecturers and own automobiles, while H is a doctor and owns a motorcycle, I is a manager and owns a scooter, and so on.
We must select the response option that we are confident is true while searching for the answer that MUST be true.

In a boarding house, eight females share four beds in pairs. A is from India, B is from Japan, C is from Pakistan, D is from France, E is from India, F is from Japan, G is from France, and H is from India (from Spain). It is forbidden for girls from the same nation to share a room. Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4 are occupied by A, B, C, and D, respectively. Rooms 3 and 4 are home to F and H.

Which of the subsequent assertions MUST be true?

Correct! Wrong!

The following room pairings can be inferred from the provided information:
A, G – Room 1
B, E – Room 2
C, F – Room 3
D, H – Room 4

Participants A, B, and C are speaking at a conference on behalf of Continent X, while D and E are speaking on behalf of Continent Y. A circular table is used, and nobody sits next to another person from the same continent. Between participants B and C is the chairperson.

Of the following, which is a MUST?

Correct! Wrong!

The chairperson is seated between Participants B and C, who both represent Continent X, according to the information provided. Therefore, Participants D and E from Continent Y must take up the seats next to Participants B and C, respectively.
The seat between Participants D and E must be occupied by Participant A. Participants B and C, D and E, and their precise seats cannot be determined from the available information, but it is true in both scenarios that Participant D is seated next to Participant A.

Should we prioritize offenders' rehabilitation over their punishment for the crimes they commit?
From the statements below, pick the one that makes the most sense.

Correct! Wrong!

It is the most convincing explanation regarding how rehabilitation will turn out.

Should the 70 mph top speed limit on highways be lowered to 60 mph to increase traffic safety?
From the statements below, pick the one that makes the most sense.

Correct! Wrong!

It is the sole defense that focuses on enhancing traffic safety (accident rate).

Think about the following inquiries and responses:
1. Who is the doctor's son?
Answer: The lawyer
2. Who is the lawyer's daughter?
Answer: The painter
3. Who is the attorney's father
Answer: The engineer
4. Who is the daughter of the librarian? Answer: The painter

Which one of the following Must to be correct?

Correct! Wrong!

We can infer from the information provided that the lawyer's father is an engineer and his mother is a doctor. The lawyer's wife is a librarian, and their daughter is a painter. So the doctor is the grandma of the painter.

Should all schools be required to wear uniforms by the government?
From the statements below, pick the one that makes the most sense.

Correct! Wrong!

It takes into account how government action will affect everyone who wears a uniform (all the students).


Considering how degrading they are to women, should beauty contests be outlawed?
Choose the one that you think best supports the claims below.

Correct! Wrong!

Even if some think it's disrespectful, women should be able to make their own decisions.

Should the number of college student spots available in arts and humanities courses be greatly reduced?
Choose the one that you think best supports the claims below.

Correct! Wrong!

It explains how these courses are used by many of the participants ("many students").

Given the risk to consumers, should supermarkets be prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages at low prices?
From the statements below, pick the one that makes the most sense.

Correct! Wrong!

It makes a connection between unhealthy drinking and inexpensive grocery sales, which may encourage it.

Should hybrid car owners who want to reduce global warming pay a lower road fund license for a maximum of three years after purchase?
Choose the one that you think best supports the claims below.

Correct! Wrong!

Both the topic of global warming and the problem of a time limit are covered in the argument.