This solution is brief, has the correct comma, and communicates the information in a straightforward and unobtrusive manner.
Because the first clause (everything before the semi colon) does not produce the second clause (everything after the semi-colon), the transition "therefore" is ineffective. Because two of the professions (firefighter/police officer and doctor/lawyer) are considered blue-collar (working class) while the others are white-collar (professional), contrasting conjunction is required in this statement.
The usage of large in front of attributable is wrong, as is the use of ascribed. The growth of the securities sector is a bit of a stumbling block. This is the best option because it alludes to the security industry's expansion and uses the grammatically correct phrase "primarily ascribed."
In many cultures fish eggs are considered a delicacy.
Melting water, chopped wood, and ripped paper are all instances of physical changes that are easy to distinguish from chemical changes in the original text. This option is the best because it recognizes the previously specified objects as physical changes.
This statement puts your capitalization and parallelism skills to the test. Because alternative A eliminates the parallelism (i.e. through advertising instead of simply "advertising") and utilizes the informal spelling of through (i.e. "through"), the original statement is wrong.
The correct answer:
Summer many students go away to camps that teach them skills about camaraderie, perseverance and integrity
The correct answer:
between Paarin and me about the dent in his car continued
This line is problematic because it makes sense in speech but not in written English. When there is no object of comparison, you cannot simply assert "colder geographic locations." What makes it colder? Without a prior standard, an area can be easily identified as cold (such as the southern regions or areas near the equator), but not "colder." It's also incorrect to refer to people as the subject of this sentence because the second clause states that "it is particularly important to have...heating system," which most people cannot have.