The word “replete” means filled or well-supplied. In the context of this sentence, “full” would be the closest to this meaning.
A simple sentence contains one subject and one verb. (A) does not contain a verb and is not a complete sentence, while (D) contains two independent clauses. (B) is a complex sentence because it contains a relative clause (“that…”).
The word “who” is a subject pronoun and the word “whom” is the object pronoun. Since we’re discussing a human being, we would not use the word “which.” Since the blank is preceded by the article “to,” we need the object pronoun “whom.”
Unless it is being used as a title, the familial adjective should be in lowercase. However, in (D) it is being used as a title so should be capitalized. In (A) “uncle” should be lowercase, and in (C) “great-aunt” should be lowercase.
Effected means "executed, produced, or brought about." Affected means "made an impact on." It is the past tense of the verb form of affect, which means "to impact." Answer (B) is preferable to (D), which is far too wordy.
The first blank needs to encompass the meaning of “it is” – the contraction “it’s” is correct. The second blank needs the possessive form “its.” Only (A) has both correct versions.
A colon introduces items in a list or a definition. Since the meaning of this sentence is offering a list of directions, a colon is the correct piece of punctuation.
Since the blank is modifying the adjectives “low” and “track” it makes sense to use the adverb form “abysmally.” (D) spells the word correctly and uses the correct form.
Since the antecedent is the plural “athletes,” we need a pronoun that is also plural to replace it at the end of the sentence. (B) is the correct object pronoun.
In the original sentence, the word "Chemistry" is capitalized, which suggests that it is used as a proper noun (e.g., the name of a specific course or department). However, in this context, "chemistry" is being used as a general subject or field of study, and it should be written in lowercase as "chemistry."
The answer to this question is (B), and it instructs you to look for a word that represents how ravens act. The material that follows the comma summarizes and clarifies the meaning of the term that is absent. The ravens "actively help one another," it is said. Cooperatively is the only term that adequately defines this action among the alternatives.
Despite is a sign that a contrast is being put up in the sentence. The environment needs to be protected, but pollution is an issue. The first blank calls for a word that expresses our intentions towards the pollution-related issues. The greatest option is to resolve issues or put a stop to them (B). The future of the environment is not safe, but rather unclear, unless such issues can be resolved.
Jessica, like the majority of pupils, undoubtedly desired acceptance from her peers. This is demonstrated by her desire to fit in and the fact that she is starting high school, an environment where nearly every freshman wants to feel at home. Jessica wouldn't want to go to hell, thus she wouldn't want to be condemned or rejected. She thus either sought endorsement or approval. But was she pleading for comfort or was she secretly pining for it? Repining is a better word to describe how she felt because she had to be yearning "quietly" for something.
A hint that the missing word in this sentence completion exercise has the same meaning as "impeccable manners and outstanding taste" is the comma. The ideal option is decorum, which is defined as "propriety and good taste in behavior, speech, or dress."
The phrase "that were falling apart" will be used to describe the right answer option here. All but A can be ruled out for the following reasons: The homes are still standing, aren't regarded as "irresponsible," don't emit bubbles or gas, and aren't compared to other homes. These justifications exclude B, C, and D . The homes were more "falling apart," "damaged, decaying," or dilapidated because of this. The ideal response is A.
A hint that the second portion of the phrase describes or clarifies the preceding section is provided by the semicolon. Evidence that places a specific person at the scene of a crime is incriminating because it involves them and casts them in a guilty light.
The speeches are obviously wordy due to the loquacious speech style and the use of "five syllables for thoughts that may be represented in two words." These hints are intended to reveal that to you. Choices B, C, and D can be ruled out because there is no indication of the tone. Richard might have made a dull presentation, but who knows? He might also have been an engaging one. Choice D is unclear because it is possible to refer to a speech as lengthy without necessarily meaning that it was unduly long (and therefore a wordy, or verbose, speech).
Because indicates that there is a cause-and-effect link in the statement. Someone is likely to gain the reputation of being a daredevil if they ski recklessly down the most difficult trails. No other response option makes sense in this situation.
The comma after the term "breeder" is highlighted in blue, indicating that the words that follow will describe or clarify the kind of breeder that is advised. Only option (A) offers two words that are able to describe or explain one another. One who is respected and esteemed is a renowned breeder.
The verb "resist" means to withstand pressure or an effect. The sentence would read, "Designers define a physical structure as a set of materials arranged in such a way that these materials can resist the inward pull of gravity," if this phrase were to be inserted into the text. This statement is logically completed by the word "resist," as a structure that is unable to withstand gravitational force will fall.
The fact that the company is a foundation and helps less disadvantaged individuals is a clue that it is obviously a benevolent organization. Based on the material provided, the foundation does not have a cheap, profitable, money-oriented, or evil objective, thus we can rule out options A, C, D, and. The fact that the foundation aids others is the real hint. A philanthropic organization, which is what the Billy and Coleen Gates Foundation is, attempts to provide humanitarian aid. The right answer is B.
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TEAS English Practice Test #3