Staff Selection Commission
SSC Practice Test 2025

The SSC mean or called as Staff Selection Commission, is an examination held to hire personnel for various positions in the Government of India’s ministries, departments, and organizations. In 1975, the Staff Selection Commission was established. It also hires for subordinate positions. The commission is led by a chairman, who is assisted by two members and a Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations. The company’s headquarters are in New Delhi, India.

The Staff Service Commission holds competitive examinations to fill a variety of positions and services. There are around 20 different SSC job posts ranging from group B to group C. 

To apply for an SSC examination, you must have graduated from a recognized university with a bachelor’s degree in any subject. For specific positions, such as Sub-Inspector and Narcotics Department, physical fitness and measurement are also necessary.

SSC Exam Qualification

SSC requirements is determined in three ways by the Staff Selection Commission:

  • Nationality – Indian or Indian Origin or subject of Nepal/Bhutan
  • Age limit – 18 years to 32 years (Relaxation to reserved category)
  • Educational qualification – Bachelor’s degree in any discipline

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SSC Recruitment Exams

                                                                SSC Recruitment Exams in India

SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level)

SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level)

SSC JE (Junior Engineer)

SSC GD (General Duty) Constable

SSC MTS [Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Examination]

SSC CPO (Central Police Organisation)

SSC JHT (Junior Hindi Translator)

SSC Stenographer


SSC Grade-C Stenographers Limited Departmental Competitive Exam

SSC Exam Preparation

SSC Preparation is a difficult task because the syllabi are extensive and the competition is intense. There are many SSC books available both online and offline (like SSC Pariksha, SSC mathematics book) however choosing the finest SSC study material determines the applicants’ success in the SSC exams. SSC Preparation online is highly important because there are many concepts across fundamental areas such as general intelligence and reasoning, quantitative aptitude, general knowledge, and English language.

SSC Recruitment Process

The SSC recruitment process differs depending on the exam. However, for the convenience of candidates, the following is the general SSC recruitment method that is followed for all exams:

1. SSC registration

Candidates must first register on the Staff Selection Commission’s official website, Candidates can then proceed to filling out the SSC application form for their specific test once they have registered. The majority of SSC recruitment examinations have a Rs 100 application fee.

2. SSC admit card

Candidates must obtain their SSC admit card for their relevant exam from the commission’s official regional websites. By logging in with their registration/application number, date of birth, and password, candidates can            download their admission card.

3. SSC Exam

Candidates must appear for their SSC exam according to the information on their admit card. It should be noted that each SSC exam is divided into sections, levels, and papers. SSC CGL, for example, is divided into four sections:  two computer-based tests (CBTs), one descriptive pen-and-paper-based test (PBT), and one computer proficiency test/skill test/document verification round. To pass their specific SSC test, candidates must appear for each part/tier/paper.

4. SSC Examination Result

After each part/tier/paper of the exam is completed, the SSC results are published on the SSC official website.  The outcome is usually announced at the same time as the SSC cutoff. Candidates who pass one SSC paper advance to the following tier or level of the exam. Candidates who pass the final tier/level exam are subsequently assigned to applicable posts based on current SSC openings.

Exam Date

SSC MTS Exam date

MTS Exam Paper 1 will be held from October 5 to November 2, 2025, according to the SSC schedule. A Computer Based Examination (Paper-I) and a Descriptive Paper (Paper-II) will make up the exam.

SSC CGL Exam date

                                                                             SSC CGL Date
Authority nameStaff Selection Commission [SSC]
Exam levelNational level exam
Admit card modeOnline
Admit card dateRelease soon
Exam date13 – 24 Aug 2025

SSC CHSL Exam date

Organized by

Staff Selection Commission [SSC]

Post name

Combined Higher Secondary Level [CHSL]


All over India

Exam date

04 – 12 Aug 2025 [Postponed]

New exam date

Release date

Exam Pattern

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern

Serial No.SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Allotted
1General Intelligence and Reasoning2550A cumulative time of 60 minutes
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550

SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper Exam Pattern

S. No.PapersNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Allotted
1Paper-I: Quantitative Ability1002002 hours
2Paper-II: English Language and Comprehension2002002 hours
3Paper-III: Statistics1002002 hours
4Paper-IV: General Studies (Finance and Economics)1002002 hours

SSC Salary

SSC JE Salary

The SSC JE salary is one of the most compelling reasons to take the exam. The SSC JE salary has been significantly increased after the 7th pay commission. After the recruitment is completed, the candidates would be paid a total of INR 44, 000 in salary, plus other benefits and allowances.

SSC Questions and Answers

The SSC mean or called as Staff Selection Commission, is an examination held to hire personnel for various positions in the Government of India’s ministries, departments, and organizations. In 1975, the Staff Selection Commission was established. It also hires for subordinate positions. The commission is led by a chairman, who is assisted by two members and a Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations. The company’s headquarters are in New Delhi, India.

SSC CGL is a national-level exam held by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to select applicants for Group-B and -C posts in the Government of India’s many ministries, divisions, and organizations. Every year, over 30 lakh people apply for the SSC CGL exam, with approximately 15 lakh candidates taking the exam.

SSC CHSL is a national test that necessitates thorough study. Candidates can review the CHSL 2025 exam preparation recommendations below in order to improve their exam scores. Because the majority of the questions on the CHSL exam are oriented toward current events of national and international importance, current affairs is important.

Maharashtra 10th Class Result will be released on the exact date, July 16, 2025.

The SSC GD section is in charge of recruiting candidates for Constable and Riflemen positions. SSC GD stands for Staff Selection Commission General Duty.

SSC MTS is an abbreviation for Staff Selection Commission Multi-Tasking Exam Staff. SSC MTS is a test administered by the Staff Selection Commission. Multitasking Staff are recruited by the SSC, jobs in the Central Government’s various ministries and offices India is an Indian country.

Visit the SSC’s official website – Click on the Result tab at the top of the page, then on the exam name for which you want to check the results, then on the result link. Find your name and roll number in the SSC merit list.

On the official website, the application form for the SSC Exam 2025 will be available soon. For more information, candidates should go to the SSC’s official website, Candidates must complete out the application form online and submit it solely through the official website.

Year after year, the SSC CGL Exam will become more difficult.

Any visible identification mark on the candidate’s face (e.g., a black mole on the left side of the face or a cut mark above the right eye) must be written.

On the SSLC marksheet, it’s the registration number.

HSC refers for Higher Secondary Certificate while SSC stands for Secondary School Certificate. In nations like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, Secondary School Certificate signifies Class 10th and Higher Secondary Certificate implies Class 12th.

Yes, students in their final year can apply for the exam.

Use the best SSC CHSL study resources available. Make your own SSC CHSL preparation schedule. Stick to the SSC CHSL study plan.

Because of the eligibility requirements, remuneration, and pride associated with serving in the security forces, SSC Constable (General Duty) is a popular exam among candidates.

Any government job preparation necessitates meticulous planning, preparation, and methods. These three elements are essential for success in every competitive examination. As a result, in order to succeed in the exam, it is critical to adhere to these three frameworks as closely as possible.

Candidates who want to apply for the next SSC recruitment must follow the processes outlined below to obtain their SSC Admit Card 2025:

The following are the steps to get your SSC admit card:

  • Visit the official website for more information (
  • On the homepage, select the admission card option.
  • Choose your country (e.g. Eastern, Northern region, etc.)
  • The link to download SSC admit cards for various SSC exams will be displayed.

After the 7th Pay Commission, the SSC CGL salary ranges from Rs.18,000 to Rs.2,50,000 (including bonuses) for various posts.

The SSC CPO is a national level central government organization. Every year, the Selection Staff Commission conducts an exam to recruit applicants for the positions of Sub Inspector in the Delhi Police, Sub Inspector in the CAPFs, Assistant Sub Inspector in the CISF, Inspector and Sub Inspector in the Central Police Organization (CPO).

The SSC CGL exam is divided into four tiers, each of which is equally important.

Visit the respective state board’s official website. Now select the results section from the drop-down menu. Now go to the page for the 10th or SSC results.

Before you begin your preparations, you must first learn everything there is to know about the SSC CHSL syllabus. The SSC tests are thought to be used to run a single module. Begin collecting study materials. Don’t choose books at random. Instead, break down the available options and choose what best meets your requirements. Make a schedule for your SSC Exam preparation. Organize the subjects on which you will need to focus more and provide a time frame to them.

There has been no postponement of the SSC CHSL exam.

No, the SSC CGL Exam does not include an interview. The descriptive test of 100 marks, also known as Tier III exam, has replaced the interview in the new recruiting.

Various reserved classified students are eligible for age relaxation under government laws. 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ST, and 10 years for PH candidates.

Initially, SSC GD is assigned as a guard or escort. In the absence of the Sub-inspector and Assistant Sub-inspector, the GD constable is responsible for overseeing all tasks and responsibilities. Cases for investigations may be assigned to GD constables.

There is no limit to how many times you can try. It is determined by the candidate’s age group.

Yes. This is a very famous exam that takes place every year. After UPSC, it is regarded as the second most important test. Because this exam is used to hire Grade B and C personnel in the government sector. Examiner, preventive officer, central excise inspector, income tax inspector, auditor, and many other renowned positions are available.

SSC — Secondary School Certificate For 10th-grade students, several boards of education, including CBSE and other state boards, administer this certificate test. The alternative full form of SSC is SSC – Staff Selection Commission (SSC).

Postal Assistants and Sorting Assistants assist in the workflow of postal services in departments such as the Army Postal Service, Regional Post Offices, Foreign Postal Service, Mail Motor Services, and others.

Every year, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) holds an exam for Stenographer Grade C (Group B Non-Gazetted) and Grade D (Group C) for various Ministries, Departments, and Organizations.

Exams are usually held in March and April.

The SSC CHSL (Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level) is divided into three tiers. Tier-l of the SSC CHSL is a computer-based test (CBT) with multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The SSC CHSL tier—ll test is a pen-and-paper exam with descriptive questions.

The application form cannot be changed at this time. If there is still time before the deadline for submitting the online application form, the applicant can resubmit the amended application together with the required cost.

Candidates can check their seat/ roll number by going to the Maharashtra State Board’s official website – A login page will appear. Enter your district, taluka, and name (in the last name, first name, and middle name format) and then click the ‘Search’ button.

Methods for SSC CGL English Preparation Vocabulary Upgrade English for SSC CGL necessitates a large vocabulary. Memorizing a thesaurus, online flashcards, word games, active dialogue with newly learned terms, and revisiting a word list are all effective approaches.

Exam papers for SSC CHSL are usually easy to moderate in complexity. However, given the large number of applicants who sit for the exam each year, it is fair to say that the exam is competitive.

The Common Eligibility Test (CET) is a computer-based online exam used to assess candidates for IBPS, SSC, and RRBs at the preliminary stage. Candidates that pass the CET will be entitled to participate in further selection rounds, such as Tier 2 or Tier 3, which will be held by the IBPR, RRB, or SSC.

Secondary School Certificate examinations, sometimes known as state board examinations, are administered by the state government. In India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, this body is in charge of public examinations. The exams are administered as a full-fledged secondary school test.

The Staff Selection Board administers the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam. For the recruitment of Grade “B” and “C” category positions in various Government Ministries, Departments, and Offices, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) was established. The four stages of the test are referred to as tiers.

SSC Syllabus – The Staff Selection Commission is in charge of determining the exam pattern and syllabus for all SSC exams. The goal is to provide applicants with SSC study resources and a full understanding of the Staff Selection Commission syllabus and exam pattern for all exams.

No, once a candidate has registered, she or he must use the same ‘Registration Number’ and ‘SSC Registration Password’ to apply to the Commission’s various examinations.

According to sources, over 29 lakh people applied for the SSC CHSL Exam 2019, but only 13.17 lakh candidates took the exam. The CHSL Tier -1 has previously been disclosed by the commission.

The SSC CGL exam covers two different types of jobs. Ten of the 32 postings fall into the ” Group C ” category, while 22 fall into the ” Group B ” category. In the CGL 2025 exam, there are 32 positions available, with salaries separated into five pay ranges. Salary will range from Pay Band 4 to Pay Band 8 depending on the position.

Once a year, in the month of April, the test is held.

SSC will hold CHSL every year, while each SSC test will be held only once a year.

You must find the areas in which you can attempt the most number of correct questions and gain the most marks in the shortest amount of time, allowing you to devote more time to other subjects.

Each year, the Staff Selection Commission holds a post exam to hire applicants for various positions in various government ministries and departments. This is a C category position that varies depending on the applicants’ educational qualifications.

To get a duplicate certificate from the Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, download the duplicate certificate Offline Application pdf here, fill out the form, and submit it through your school’s principal.

If you’ve misplaced your SSC roll number, application pin, or hall ticket, you should first go to the SSC’s official website, where you filled out your application. Keep in mind that each region has its own website, so keep that in mind while choose which one to visit. Check the website for things like “Forget Password,” “Re-download your admission card,” “Duplicate Admit Card,” “Lost password,” and so on. If you come across any of these, simply click on it.

Yes, SSC and HSC stand for Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate, respectively. In nations like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, Secondary School Certificate signifies Class 10th and Higher Secondary Certificate implies Class 12th.

Each wrong answer receives 0.50 points in negative marking.

For the recruitment of Junior Engineers in various government departments, the SSC JE Exam is held. It is a national exam for the recruitment of Group B Non-Gazetted Officers in government agencies such as the CPWD, MES, and BRO, among others. Every year, tens of thousands of people apply for a few thousand spots in this exam.

In madrasah education, the Secondary School Certificate, commonly known as SSC or Matriculation examination, is a public test held by educational boards in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan for the successful completion of the secondary education exam in these countries.

SSC MTS stands for Staff Selection Commission test for Multi Tasking Staff, or in other words, MTS Full Form is Multi Staff Tasking. The Staff Selection Commission administers the MTS exam.

In general, any graduate from any discipline can apply for the SSC CGL exam. Candidates in their last year of study are eligible to apply for the SSC CGL 2025 exam.

The Staff Selection Commission conducts exams every year. (SSC) assists in the selection of candidates for essential positions. 

Yes, preparing for the SSC and UPSC will be beneficial; nevertheless, the primary focus should be on the UPSC. UPSC covers nearly everything that is required for SSC, and in great detail.

For the SSC CGL 2020-21 recruiting, there are four tiers of examination. Candidates who have been shortlisted in the Tier-1 test are eligible to take the Tier-2 exam, which consists of four examinations, with Papers 1 and 2 being required.

Overall, you must cover at least the previous six months of current events, which may cover more than half of the questions. Aspirants should be up to date on current events, but everything requires last-minute revision and extensive practice.

First, go to on your device (PC/Laptop/Mobile/Tablet) and look for the Student tab in the menu section. Then look for the Students Online Service tab. There are options for downloading various marksheets and certificates.