Correct answer: Abandoned
Derelict means to be left or deserted; abandoned.
Correct answer: unclear
The word “obscure” means “unclear” and “difficult to understand.”
Correct answer: hinder
To DETER is to discourage a person or group from doing something. Fear of retaliation may deter our enemies from attacking.
Correct answer: Thrifty
”Tightfisted" is an adjective that has to do with money and specifically means avoiding spending money or miserly. Of the possible answer choices, three have to do with money: "thrifty," "prodigal," and "impecunious." Since ”prodigal" means reckless’ extravagant and "impecunious" means poor or lacking money, "thrifty," which means frugal, is the best choice.
Correct answer: Blameworthy
Culpable means deserving blame or blameworthy.
Correct answer: Unbiased
While "unfair" and "unbiased" may look like similar answer choices, they are actually antonyms. Since ”evenhanded” means impartial when judging, "unbiased" is its closest synonym amongst the answer choices, as it means fair—specifically, showing no preferences or inclinations towards or against something. So, the correct answer is "unbiased."
Correct answer: unfriendly
HOSTILE means antagonistic or unfriendly. It is the nature of cats to be hostile to dogs.
Correct answer: negligent
The word “remiss” means “negligent or forgetful.”
Correct answer: Sociable
Gregarious means sociable, outgoing and friendly.
Correct answer: Gauzy
”Diaphanous" is an adjective that often is used to describe fabrics, and means delicate and not completely opaque. So, the answer choices closest in meaning to "diaphanous" are ”gauzy" and "frangible." While "frangible" means easy/breakable, "gauzy" means thin and not completely opaque. Since ”gauzy" is the closest synonym of "diaphanous" amongst the possible answer choices, it is the correct answer.
Correct answer: make use of
To UTILIZE is to make practical use of. You can utilize the microwave for quick defrosting.
Correct answer: serious
Serious most closely means the same thing as grievous.
Correct answer: Luxurious
Opulent means luxurious or wealthy.
Correct answer: Avarice
While "cupidity" may sound like it is related to ”Cupid,” a classical god of love, "cupidity" is actually a noun meaning greed for material wealth. So, while "love" or "lust" might look like the best potential answer based on how "cupidity“ sounds, ”avarice" [extreme greed} is actually its closest synonym and the correct answer.
Correct answer: resign
To ABDICATE is to give up formally or to resign. King Edward abdicated from the English throne to marry a divorced woman.
Correct answer: elation
Elation most closely means the same thing as exhilaration.
Correct answer: Thoughtful
Pensive means thoughtful or dreamily.
Correct answer: Patent
”Blatant" is an adjective meaning done in a shameless manner when referring to bad behavior, and overt and obvious in other instances. So, we need to pick out an answer choice that means something like obvious. Since “patent“ can mean obvious when used as an adjective, ”patent" is the answer choice closest in meaning to "blatant" and the correct answer.
Correct answer: outstanding
PROMINENT means sticking out, noticeable, or outstanding. Comedian Jimmy Durante had a prominent nose.
Correct answer: blockade
Blockade most closely means the same thing as siege.
Correct answer: Reprimand
Rebuke means to reprimand or express sharp disapproval.
Correct answer: Tranquil
”Placid" is an adjective that means not easily perturbed or excited when referring to a sentient living thing; it can also mean peaceful and calm, and is often used this way to describe bodies of water. While it might seem like a good potential synonym for "placid," "dull" actually means boring or not sharp, so it doesn't mean the same thing that "placid” does. “Tranquil," however, means calm, and because it is the answer choice closest in meaning to "placid," it is the correct answer.
Correct answer: limit
A BOUNDARY is a border. Mexico shares a boundary with the state of Texas.
Correct answer: polite
Polite most closely means the same things as courteous.
Correct answer: Concise
Succinct means concise, terse or expressed in few words.