Spring is an open source corporate Java development framework.
The Spring Framework is a Java platform that is free and open source. Rod Johnson wrote it originally, and
it was distributed under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. When it comes to size and transparency, spring
is little and transparent. Spring framework's basic version is about 2MB in size.
In Spring, the BeanFactory and ApplicationContext classes serve as IoC containers.
Pivotal Software, Inc. was a San Francisco-based international software and services firm that specialized
in cloud platform hosting and consulting. Pivotal has been a part of VMware since December 2019.
The'request' scope defines a single bean definition that is contained within a single HTTP request.
This means that a fresh bean instance is created for each HTTP request. Only in the context of a
web-aware ApplicationContext is this scope usable.
The correct answer
Design Pattern
Contextual sessions in Hibernate are an alternative to Spring HibernateTemplate.
JSP creates a dynamic interface for constantly changing data, as well as dynamically invoking server actions.
HTML allows you to describe the structure of text-based information in a document in great detail.
shutdownHook is used to gracefully shutdown all the bean processes after closing
the spring container
The five forms of advise that spring supports are before, after, after-returning, after-throwing, and around.
The correct answer
ApplicationContext extends BeanFactory
The lifecycle of a global HTTP Session is scoped by a single bean specification. When used in a portlet context,
it is usually only valid. Only in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext is this value valid.
A join point is a location in your application where you can add AOP aspects
The singleton pattern is a software design pattern that limits the number of instances of a class to one.
This is beneficial when only one item is required to coordinate system-wide actions.
Yes, we can.
SpEL (Spring Expression Language) was introduced in version 3.0 of the spring framework
The correct answer
constructor and setter
Hibernate may be accessed in two ways: inversion of control with a Hibernate Template and Callback, or
by extending HibernateDAOSupport and adding an AOP Interceptor node.
The correct answer
byName , byType, constructor and autodetect
The method postProcessBeforelnitialization() is used to process data that has already been initialized.
callback for initialization
Application Events are handled by any component have handler defined for event.These events are essentially
a traditional publish-subscribe model.
The static field also permits the use of the util:constant tag.
For bean methods, securitytprotect is used to specify access attributes.
Interceptors are an important feature of most programming paradigms because they allow programmers
to control execution by intercepting it. Spring framework also includes a number of interceptors that can
be used for various reasons. Interceptors that implement the ClientHttpRequestInterceptor interface can
be added to the Spring RestTemplate.