You can also chop sections out of your model with the Push/Pull tool. To subtract volume using the Push/Pull tool, select the Push/Pull tool () or click the P key. This action is useful in a variety of situations, such as building a doorway, producing an angled roof, or cutting out a notch for a fastener.
The make component tool in SketchUp combines many things in model space into a single component.
1. Press the R key or select the Rectangle tool () from the toolbar.
2. Set the rectangle's initial corner point by clicking.
To modify the orientation of a model, use the Orbit tool. The Orbit cursor replaces the normal cursor. The model spins around a pivot point as you drag the pointer, but the view remains fixed.
Within the IT sector, computer aided design, or CAD, is a significant industry. It entails the use of computers to assist with engineering and design for a variety of applications.
The Tape Measure tool () may measure a distance and set exact guide lines or guide points. The Protractor tool () and the Measurements box () can help you model precisely in SketchUp. ... You may use the Protractor tool () to measure angles and create a perfect angled guide line.
To make any color visible on-screen the active color, use the Eyedropper tool. This color can be dragged and dropped onto any shape in your LayOut document to apply it as a fill or into any visible color well.
One of the easiest ways to model quicker in SketchUp is to use keyboard shortcuts. You don't have to shift your mouse cursor away from what you're creating to access a toolbar or menu when you use the R key to activate the Rectangle tool.
The inference system locks your cursor in place in relation to any point, edge, axis, face, guide, or imaginary line. When you're drawing in Sketchup, you hover your mouse over an existing point in your model to add a line.