The correct answer >br>
The correct answer >br>
This method in WebDriver allows the web browser to click the forward button in the current browser window.
It doesn't accept anything and doesn't return anything. driver.navigate ().forward ();
css=[HTML tag]<[:][contains][(inner text)] [:]:- It is used to symbolize contains method. Contains:
It will include the value of a Class attribute. Text: The text that is displayed anywhere on the web
page irrespective of its location.
verifyElementPresent – returns TRUE if the supplied element was FOUND on the page; FALSE otherwise
. verifyElementNotPresent – returns TRUE if the specified element was NOT FOUND on the page; FALSE if it is.
Code for navigate to url using navigate ().to (). get () is the method of Webdriver interface, that's why it
directly accessible using web driver’s reference. Although navigator is the method of Navigator interface
which is further implement by RemoteNavigator class.
The getText() command will retrieve the inner text of the specified web element. This command can be
used to check for expected messages or errors that would appear while automating the web page.
The correct answer >br>
File excelobj = new File ();
The correct answer >br>
Method will get the handle of the page the Webdriver is currently controlling.
The correct answer >br>
The correct answer >br>
POM allows to support execution in multiple browsers.
A unique name for a database connection established by a server in the Java software platform.
HtmlUnitDriver is a headless driver that provides a non-GUI Selenium WebDriver implementation. It is built
on HtmlUnit, a Java-based fast and lightweight browser.
The text matching pattern globbing is utilized in selenium. It allows you to utilize the target column of the
command to describe the expected text pattern and use it with the verify and assert commands.
The XPath query language is used to pick nodes from an XML document. Additionally, XPath can be used to
compute values from an XML document's content. The World Wide Web Consortium created XPath.
contextClick Method in Action Class: Using contextClick Method we perform Right click operation on
WebElement. contextClick Method perform important role in Action class when we want to perform
Right Click operation. contextClick Method is time consuming as well as we don’t need to use KeyBoard
Events to perform Right Click operation.
The Actions class is a built-in feature that allows you to handle a variety of keyboard and mouse events.
JavaScript is disabled by default in the HtmlUnit driver. If you try to run JavaScript in a HtmlUnit driver test,
an error notice will appear in the console, and your test case will fail.
A WebDriver is an interface that extends the search context interface, and it is implemented by
several browser subclasses.
The correct answer >br>
It is best suited for functional testing and is a functional automation testing framework.
The goal of WebDriver is to make it easy to switch between named windows.
method "switchTo" driverswitchTo (). "windowName"
Selenium Grid is a component of the Selenium Suite that allows you to run many tests in parallel across
multiple browsers, operating systems, and machines. It is accomplished by passing the commands of
distant browser instances through a hub server.
The Selenium-IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a simple Firefox plug-in that allows you to
create Selenium test cases. It provides a graphical user interface for recording user actions in Firefox,
which is used to learn and utilize Selenium. However, it can only be used with Firefox because other
browsers are not supported.
Use contains or starts with text in Relative XPath. When dealing with dynamic web elements,
this is the preferred method.
The Selenium IE driver, commonly known as IEDriverServer, is a Selenium WebDriver for Internet Explorer.
It's a stand-alone server that functions as a gateway between the browser (i.e., Internet Explorer) and the
Selenium script. To begin cross-browser testing with Internet Explorer, you must first download and install
the Selenium Internet Explorer Driver.