Read the following excerpt from Rachel Madden’s Flash Fiction: Four Mini Stories (“Fortune of Lighting”) and answer the following questions.
The sentence is correct as-is.
The sentence is incorrect as-is (no A); Answers 2 and 4 are run-ons and fragments, respectively.
Answer 1 is wrong because of improper verb tense; Answer 3 needs a comma; and Answer 4 has two commas when it should only have one.
The question is correct as-is.
Other answers utilize improper comma placements.
Answer 1 is correct as-is.
Answer 4 reads the best because it inserts a much needed "to" as part of the infinitive phrase at the end of the sentence.
Answer 2 is the only option, original included, that doesn't violate a grammar rule.
The sentence is fine as-is.
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