The @return directive in Sass is used to call the function's return value.
The above statement is correct. The SASS code is run from the command line using the
"sass input.scss output.css" command.
The:css location operator specifies the location of the application's CSS stylesheets.
Rails is a web development framework that is free and open-source. Rails is a server-side web application
written in Ruby.framework. It's a model-view-controller (MVC) framework that includes a database, web
service, and other components, structure of web pages
The @media attribute assigns a style rule to various media formats. Media queries examine the device's capabilities
and can be used to verify a variety of things, including the viewport and device's width and height, orientation (is the
tablet/phone in landscape or portrait mode? ), resolution, and much more.
The @extend directive is used to share selector rules and relationships. This directive combines the styles of all
other classes into a single class and can also apply its own unique styles.
The above statement is correct. The @debug directive identifies mistakes and outputs the values of SassScript
expressions to the standard error stream.
The SassScript expression value is shown as a fatal error using the @error directive..
In @each directive, a variable is defined which contains the value of each item in a list.
The @for directive allows you to generate styles in a loop. The @for directive comes in two forms. The first option is
@for $var from through which starts at and loops "through" each iteration and ends at .
And the second option is @for $var from to which starts at and loops through each iteration "to"
and stops. Once the directive hits the , it stops the looping process and does not evaluate the loop that one
last time.
Following is the correct way to define a variable in SASS,
$primary-color: #888;
SASS Variables allow you to define a value once and use it everywhere. Variables start with a dollar sign and are set
in the same way that CSS properties are. You can modify the variable's value in one location, and it will affect all instances
where it is used.
SASS was created by Hampton Catlin. Catlin devised a style sheet language to go beyond Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
which are used to describe how web pages look. He continued to work on Sass after that. Sass is now included in the
Rails distribution.
The @include directive in Sass is used to include mixins in a document. The mixin's styles can be included into the present rule.
The above statement is correct. The SassScript values can be used as parameters in mixins, which are available as
variables within the mixin and are given when the mixin is included. Mixins allow you to create a collection of styles
that you can reuse across your stylesheet without having to recreate non-semantic classes.
The mixin is defined using the @mixin directive. After the name of the mixin, this directive can optionally include
variables and arguments.
RACK is a user interface for web servers. Rack is a lightweight interface that connects webservers that support
Ruby and Ruby frameworks.
Rails is a free and open-source web development framework. Rails is a Ruby-based server-side web application
framework. It's a model-view-controller (MVC) framework that comes with pre-built database, web service, and
web page architectures.
Merb is a Rails-based web application framework that adds speed and modularity. Merb is an ORM-agnostic,
JavaScript library-agnostic, and template language-agnostic MVC framework.
Sass is available as a command-line tool, a standalone Ruby module, and a plugin for any Rack-enabled framework,
such as Ruby on Rails and Merb.
SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a style sheet language developed by Chris Eppstein and Natalie Weizenbaum
and designed by Hampton Catlin. It's a scripting language for pre-processors that will be compiled or interpreted into CSS.
SassScript is a scripting language in and of itself. It has a dynamic typing discipline. SCSS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
was introduced as the main syntax for SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets), which builds on the current CSS syntax. It
uses semicolons and brackets in the same way as CSS does (Cascaded Style Sheets). SCSS is a superset of CSS, which means
that all CSS capabilities will be available in SCSS, as well as a few SASS features (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets).