Babel is a JavaScript compiler capable of converting markup and programming languages into JavaScript.
You can use the latest JavaScript features using Babel (ES6 - ECMAScript 2015). Babel can be used for a
variety of conversions. Babel is used by React to transform JSX to JavaScript.
JavaScript, sometimes known as JS, is a computer language that follows the ECMAScript standard.
JavaScript is a high-level programming language that is frequently compiled just-in-time and is
multi-paradigm. It has first-class functions, dynamic typing, and prototype-based object orientation.
Jordan Walke is the creator of React. a Facebook software developer who "FaxJS," a React early prototype, was
released. He was persuaded by XHP is a PHP HTML component library. It was originally used on Facebook's platform.
In 2011, News Feed was launched, followed by Instagram in 2012. It was open-sourced at the time.In May 2013, there
was a JSConf in the United States.
Props are used to send data from the outside to a component.
The correct answer
Both Class and For
React was initially utilized in Facebook's newsfeed in 2011. In 2013, it was made available as an open source project.
It's yet another JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.
The correct answer
This command is used to generate the package.json file for a project. A package.json file will be generated
and placed in the current directory when you complete the npm init steps.
Developers may use React to build massive web applications that can alter data without reloading the page.
React's major goal is to be quick, scalable, and easy to use. It only works on the application's user interfaces.
This relates to the MVC template's view.
The correct answer
Flex is a numerical value in React Native. You may have seen it as a string in CSS for the web. This is easier for
me to comprehend than using a string. If flex is a positive number, the component is flexible and its value is
proportional to its size.
Jordan Walke, the developer of ReactJS, just revealed on Twitter that he is leaving Facebook after a decade
of service. Walke was a software engineer at the social media giant, where he worked on the React JavaScript
The correct answer
Unique among the siblings only
The react-dom package contains DOM-specific functions that can be used at the top level of your app
as well as as an escape hatch if you need to leave the React model.
Data flows in a single direction in the Flux application (unidirectional). The flux pattern revolves around
this data flow. The dispatcher, stores, and views are all self-contained nodes with their own inputs and
outputs. The actions are straightforward objects with new data and a type property.
The package.json file lists all of the dependencies for the project we're working on. It's also used to define
the project's version of the package, which makes it a lot easier for developers to share their work with
their coworkers and other developers.
The correct answer
In declarative web frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Elm, a virtual DOM is a lightweight JavaScript
representation of the DOM. Updates to the virtual DOM are far faster than updates to the actual DOM.
The correct answer
All of the above
The correct answer
All of the above