RBT Practice Test 4


Adding anything to a person's environment that will inspire them to repeat the goal behavior. Is this any kind of reinforcement?

Correct! Wrong!

Remember, positive means adding. Negative means removing something.

What happens if there is a reoccurrence of the behavior?

Correct! Wrong!

ABC. Antecedent behavior consequence.

Which antecedent raises or diminishes a consequence's value?

Correct! Wrong!

A motivating operation (MO) alters the value of a consequence. Abolishing and establishing operations are specific types of MOs. An SD comes after the MO and says reinforcement is available.

You're keeping track of how long it takes from the time the demand (Sd) is presented to the first instance of behavior. What exactly are you calculating?

Correct! Wrong!

Frequency is a count of one behavior. We aren't counting. We are measuring time. Duration is how long a behavior lasts. We want to know the time between two things. Latency is the time between the SD and the first instance of behavior. IRT is the time between two behaviors.

The dissection of a task into its constituent parts and processes.

Correct! Wrong!

Whenever you see individual steps and components of a task thinking task analysis and task chaining. The only two possibilities are forward chaining and task analysis. Forward chaining is a type of chaining, but you are teaching the skill with forward chaining, not breaking the task down. A task analysis is the process of breaking the task down.

Although the terms frequency and rate are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a distinction to be made. Which of the following statements is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Rate = frequency/time

Every day, you spend three hours with a client. Your customer routinely participates in verbal stereotyping throughout those hours. Your BCBA wishes to use a procedure called differential reinforcement. When the client is not engaging in verbal stereotyping, she directs you to encourage them. Is this a sort of differential reinforcement?

Correct! Wrong!

Differential reinforcement is one of the hardest concepts to learn when studying for the exam. Don't let it scare you! DRO (other)- you pick a behavior (verbal stereotypy in the above example) and reinforce when the client is not engaged in the behavior DRI (incompatible)- you pick a behavior that is incompatible with the target behavior and reinforce that behavior (standing vs sitting. You can't do these at the same time) DRA (alternative)- you pick a behavior to replace the target behavior and reinforce that behavior (asking for a break vs eloping. Reinforce asking for a break)


In ABA, the most prevalent type of graph is:

Correct! Wrong!

A line graph is the graph you will use most frequently as an RBT or BCBA. This question you just need to know - no tricks here. On a line graph, time goes on the x-axis and behavior goes on the y-axis.

Which of the following is the most effective strategy to keep a client's parents informed about his or her treatment progress?

Correct! Wrong!

You should always use language that the client's parent will understand when explaining how session went, or treatment progress. This means no technical language or jargon when possible. You also want to be professional, positive, and objective.

What does "People's First Language" mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Putting a person before the disability.

Putting a person ahead of a disability is what People's First Language means.

How long do you have to keep client records?

Correct! Wrong!

7 years

What's your responsibility to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board?

Correct! Wrong!

To give accurate and timely information.

It is your obligation to provide correct and timely information to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

What is a classification of reinforcement that does not require the assistance of another person to deliver?

Correct! Wrong!

What is a classification of reinforcement that does not require the assistance of another person to deliver?

What kind of assessment do you employ to figure out what's causing the behavior?

Correct! Wrong!

Functional Behavior Assessment

The Functional Behavior Assessment is a method for determining the main causes of behavior.


Which of the following is a key reason for collecting data?

Correct! Wrong!

To drive decision making

The important reason for data collection is to improve decision-making.

Jack hasn't eaten anything all day, and dinner is near. In a zombie-like doughnut trance, he sees a donut on a high shelf in the kitchen and reaches for it while saying "Donut please..." He stares up at you, pleadingly, before returning his gaze to the donut, drooling.
In general, what kind of verbal operant is this?

Correct! Wrong!

Mands are a verbal operant under the control of a motivating operation. In this particular example, the boy sees a donut and reaches for it - suggesting he has a MO for donuts. In addition, he begins to salivate, a reflexive response to the presence of food. This is all pretty compelling evidence that Billy is hungry, and he's manding for donuts.