Convert the fractions to the lowest common denominator, sixths, before you subtract.
Divide 16 by 2 and add 8 to the dividend.
Multiply the original price by 0.15, and then subtract this amount from the original price.
When solving this sort of problem, it may help to write the two given numbers so that one is under the other and the decimal points are aligned.
George bought four items at both $5 and $8.5, but he also bought two more items at $5.
The problem can be solved with the following expression: 30 (9) + 8 (9 x 1.5)
Divide 16 by 38 and multiply by 100.
Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding it.
Before multiplying, convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
The simplest form of this fraction can be found by dividing both sides by 17.
It is reasonable to assume that the average score will be close to the middle of the range.
Volume is found by multiplying length, width, and height.
Liters are a unit of volume, not length.
Remember that unlike terms cannot be combined.
Solve the equation for x by subtracting 5x from both sides, adding 2 to both sides, and then dividing both sides by 3.