Remember that absolute value is the distance from zero on a real number line, and therefore cannot be zero.
Fractions are multiplied by multiplying numerators by numerators and denominators by denominators. Some of the fractions in this problem can be simplified.
Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, this problem can be solved with the following equation: 50/60 = 10/x
The target age can be found by subtracting first seven and then one year from x.
The equation form for slope is y = mx + b, in which m is slope.
The ratio of Rex’s age to Ted’s age is 4:1; the sum of their ages can be divided by the total number of units in this ratio, 5. This indicates that Rex is 24 and Ted is 6.
Measure the length of the line by adding the respective distances of each value from zero.
Reggie will be using flour at 5/4 the normal rate. Since the amount of flour used is inversely proportional to the amount of time it takes to go through the flour, the duration can be found by multiplying 40 by the inverse of 5/4, or 4/5.
Substitute the given values into the equation, and then remember to observe the order of operations.
Remember that since the terms of the problem have three units to the right of the decimal point, the answer will as well.
Multiply 54 by 100 and then divide by 75.
Remember that since the terms of the problem have three units to the right of the decimal point, the answer will as well.
Divide numerator and denominator by 3.
Multiply both 9 and 20 by 5.
Convert both fractions so that they have a common denominator of 6.
The first person gets ½, the second gets ¼, leaving ¼ for the third person.
20% is one-fifth, so multiply John’s point total by 5.
Convert the fractions so that they have a common denominator of 24.
Place a decimal point at the end of the number and then move it eleven places to the left, until it creates a number between one and ten.
The fraction ¾ is equivalent to the decimal 0.75. Multiply this decimal by 4.
Absolute value is the number of integers away from zero, so the absolute value of -20 is greater than the absolute value of 19 by one unit.
The median is the piece of data that is in the middle position when the entire set is placed in order from least to greatest.
14 of the 18 pairs of socks are not green; the fraction 14/18 can be simplified as 7/9.
In this equation, the order of operations will dictate that the multiplication takes place before the subtraction.
In order to find x, you must subtract 9 from 23, then multiply the difference by 5, and finally divide the product by 7.
45 minutes is three-quarters of an hour, which can be rewritten as the decimal 0.75. Multiply this decimal by his speed.
Fifteen minutes is a quarter-hour, which is equivalent to the decimal 0.25.
Add all of the scores together and divide by the number of scores.
All of the other units are either much too big or much too small.
Divide the length of the document by the number of words per minute to find the number of minutes it will take. The number of minutes can then be divided by the number of minutes in an hour. 250 minutes is equivalent to 4 hours and 10 minutes.