The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) established uniform minimum standards for employer sponsored retirement and health and welfare benefit programs.
The Davis-Bacon Act applies to construction laborers and mechanics.
A point-of-service plan (POS) is a type of managed care plan that is a hybrid of HMO and PPO plans. Like an HMO, participants designate an in-network physician to be their primary care provider. But like a PPO, patients may go outside of the provider network for health care services.
A health savings account (HSA) is a tax sheltered savings account similar to an IRA but created primarily to pay for medical expenses. An HSA must have a deductible of at least $1,200 single or $2,400 family and out-of-pocket limits of no more than $5,950 single or $11,900 family.
The Copeland Act prohibits federal contractors from receiving kickbacks from employees or subcontractors for wages earned on federal projects.
Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconcilation Act, a qualifying event is one such as termination for reasons other than gross misconduct that allows employees to continue their group health care coverage for a specific period of time.
The Portal to Portal Act defines what is included as hours worked and is therefore compensable and a factor in calculating overtime. It includes such items as: preparatory/concluding activities, waiting time, meals and breaks, travel time, and on-call/ standby time.
Exempt employees are conditionally excluded from FLSA minimum wage and overtime pay requirements. To be excluded from FLSA requirements, employees classified as exempt must meet certain tests regarding their job duties and must be paid on a salary basis at no less than $455 per week or $23,600 per year.
In a defined contribution plan, the employer and sometimes the employee make an annual payment to the employee's retirement plan account. Examples of defined contribution plans are profit-sharing plans, money purchase plans, employee stock-ownership plans, and regular and Roth 401k and 403b plans.
Internal equity occurs when employees feel that performance or job differences result in corresponding differences in pay rates. They feel that they are being fairly compensated when compared to others in the workplace.
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) established uniform minimum standards for employer sponsored retirement and health and welfare benefit programs.
The Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. FLSA covers employers: with $500,000+ in sales involved in interstate commerce who deal with medical issues are schools are the government
Differential (or variable) pay is based on when the employee works (e.g. overtime pay, shift pay differential) or where the employee works.
The Davis-Bacon Act applies to construction laborers and mechanics.
A point-of-service plan (POS) is a type of managed care plan that is a hybrid of HMO and PPO plans. Like an HMO, participants designate an in-network physician to be their primary care provider. But like a PPO, patients may go outside of the provider network for health care services. 16. Which of the following is a term for when there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of their skills, experience or seniority?
Salary (or pay) compression occurs when there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of their skills, experience or seniority.
A health savings account (HSA) is a tax sheltered savings account similar to an IRA but created primarily to pay for medical expenses. An HSA must have a deductible of at least $1,200 single or $2,400 family and out-of-pocket limits of no more than $5,950 single or $11,900 family.
Differential (or variable) pay is based on when the employee works (e.g. overtime pay, shift pay differential) or where the employee works.
Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconcilation Act, a qualifying event is one such as termination for reasons other than gross misconduct that allows employees to continue their group health care coverage for a specific period of time.
Exempt employees are conditionally excluded from FLSA minimum wage and overtime pay requirements. To be excluded from FLSA requirements, employees classified as exempt must meet certain tests regarding their job duties and must be paid on a salary basis at no less than $455 per week or $23,600 per year.
A health savings account (HSA) is a tax sheltered savings account similar to an IRA but created primarily to pay for medical expenses. An HSA must have a deductible of at least $1,200 single or $2,400 family and out-of-pocket limits of no more than $5,950 single or $11,900 family.
The Davis-Bacon Act applies to construction laborers and mechanics.