PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a commonly used programming language,a widely used open source general-purpose
scripting language. It's well-suited for web development and may be inserted into HTML. PHP is a scripting language.
server-side (back-end) scripting language, hence the code written in it must be server-side (back-end) scripting language.
The PHP file is run on the server.
The correct answer
$a Variable;
The define () function in PHP is used to define constants. It takes two arguments: the name of the constant
and its value. The constant value can be accessed at any time by referring to its name, once it has been defined.
The correct answer
The correct answer
$a_Number = 9
Characters are converted to HTML entities using the htmlentities () function. Use the html entity
decode () function to convert HTML entities back to characters.
The PHP Hello World code in a single line should be written as: <?php echo '
hello world
' ?> All PHP codes should be placed between the PHP opening and closing tags:
PHP is case sensitive to some extent. The case of variable names is important, but not the case
of function names.
curl init — This function starts a new cURL session and returns a cURL handle to other functions.
A variable is identified by the $ sign, which is followed by the variable's name. The name of a variable
must begin with a letter or an underscore. A number cannot be the first character in a variable name.
Only alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _) are allowed in variable names.
A data type called an integer is a type of data. A variable that retains the entire numeric value.
1, 23, 343, -23, -50, and so on are complete (whole) numbers. The value of an integer can be
positive, negative, or zero.
The fetch row () / mysqli fetch row () method returns an enumerated array of one row from a result-set.
A variable can not need to be declared before adding a value. PHP automatically converts the variable to
the correct data type, depending on its value. After declaring a variable it can be reused throughout the
code. The assignment operator (=) used to assign the value to a variable.
The connect () / mysqli connect () functions create a new MySQL server connection.
In terms of keywords and language syntax, PHP is similar to C style syntax. The syntax of if conditions,
for and while loops, and function returns is comparable to that of C, C++, C#, Java, and Perl. Comments
in a program are non-executable statements that explain program logic.
In PHP, all variables must start with a dollar sign ($) and then the variable name. A variable's name can be long
and descriptive (like $factorial, $even nos) or short and descriptive (like $n, $f, or $x). A variable's name can only
contain alphabetic characters and underscores (i.e., 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9, and ' ').
The PHP function mysqli_select_db () returns a boolean value that is true if the operation was successful
and false if it was not. This function was first introduced in PHP Version 5 and has since been updated to
operate with all subsequent versions.
The parameters will appear in $_REQUEST whether you use GET or POST. The key distinction is that when
you use POST, the variables will not appear in the URL history. This reduces the visibility of information like
passwords that you don't want to appear in URL history.
The correct answer
If (mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM keyContacts"))
Late static bindings are a PHP feature that can be used to refer to a called class in a static inheritance context.
Late static bindings function by storing the class specified in the most recent "non-forwarding call."
Included files can have any file name extension, however the.inc extension is a recommended practice.
The included files will be interpreted by the caller page's interpreter.
The circular reference collector is activated.
Anonymous functions, often known as closures, allow the development of functions without a name.
They're most helpful as the value of callable parameters, but they're also handy for a variety of other
things. The Closure class is used to implement anonymous functions.
To make a line of code commented, use one of the two symbols # or / at the beginning of the line.
You may now execute your PHP script by typing the command to launch the PHP CLI program and
specifying the name of the PHP file to run on the command line.