Node.js Streams are objects that allow developers to continuously receive and write data to and from a source. In Node.js, there are four sorts of streams: readable, writable, duplex, and transform. Each stream is an instance of eventEmitter that emits various events at various intervals.
This method is a built-in application programming interface of the fs module that is used to read and return the contents of a file. We can read a file in a non-blocking asynchronous manner with the fs.readFile() function, but we can read files in a synchronous manner using the fs.readFileSync() method, which tells node.js to halt other parallel processes and focus on the current file reading process.
HTTP is the application layer protocol in the OSI Model. NodeJS features an HTTP module that may be used as both a client and a server. This module comes pre-installed with Node, thus you won't need to install any other node modules to utilize it.
A module in Node.js is a single or a collection of JavaScript files that include simple or complex functionality that may be reused across the application.
In Node.js, each module has its own context, preventing it from interfering with other modules or polluting global scope. Each module can also be stored in its own.js file within its own subdirectory.
Inspector is a debugging interface for node.js applications that is located in the app.js file and used by the developer tools in node.js. It's very comparable to Chrome developer tools in terms of functionality.
Node.js is a server-side package that comes with pre-defined task completion mechanisms.
Every Node.js process is executed on a server because it is a server-side runtime; it effectively maintains data on an application's backend. A server-side language or program would be required to save data in a file or database, for example.
The underscore variable in REPL is a special variable that is used to store the result of the most recently evaluated expression. This indicates you can use this variable to get the result of the previous expression.
The Node.js files are saved with the ".js" extension.
The REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) computer language stands for "Read Eval Print Loop."
A read–eval–print loop (REPL), also known as an interactive toplevel or language shell, is a simple interactive computer programming environment that accepts single user inputs, executes them, and gives the result to the user; programs developed in a REPL environment are run piecewise. The word is most commonly used to describe programming interfaces that are akin to the interactive environment of a classic Lisp system.