Please select 3 correct answers
Correct answer:
In order to accomplish a personal objective, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a psychological strategy, entails studying the techniques employed by successful people. It links ideas, words, and behavioural patterns acquired via experience to certain results. NLP proponents believe that all human behavior is constructive
As part of a project for Robert Spitzer, Richard Bandler, a student at the University of California, Santa Cruz, listened to and picked out segments of taped therapy sessions of the late Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls.
Please select 3 correct answers
The right side of the brain is in charge of artistic endeavors and emotionally engaging with others.
The neurological system or nerves are implied by the root term "neuro." A neurotic is someone who is experiencing a mental breakdown or neurosis. The root word neuro is where the word neuro comes from.
Correct answer:
Tad James
The capacity of the subconscious's memory bank is infinite. Every encounter you've ever had is recorded there.
Correct answer:
Richard Bandler
A technique called the Swish Pattern is used in Neuro Linguistic Programming Therapy (also known as NLP), and it essentially entails internal visualization (effectively, imagining something while closing your eyes), in which you identify a habit you'd like to change and pinpoint the crucial moment when the bad behavior gets set in motion.
Correct answer:
Access, Amplify, Anchor
Correct answer:
Rapport, sensory awareness, outcome thinking and flexibility