The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals will probably be interested in the problems in answers A and C. The failure of the nursing assistant to care for the client with hepatitis might result in termination, but is not of interest to the Joint Commission.
The licensed practical nurse should not be assigned to begin a blood transfusion. Options A, B, and C: The licensed practical nurse can insert a Foley catheter, discontinue a nasogastric tube, and collect sputum specimen.
Remember the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) when answering this question. Answer C because a hotdog is the size and shape of the child’s trachea and poses a risk of aspiration. Options A, B, and D: A white grape juice, grilled cheese sandwich, and ice cream do not pose a risk of aspiration for a child.
The child with celiac disease should be on a gluten-free diet. Options A, B, and C: These food items all contain gluten.
The hearing aid should be stored in a warm, dry place. Option A: It should be cleaned daily but should not be moldy. Option C: A toothpick is inappropriate to use to clean the aid; the toothpick might break off in the hearing aid. Option D: Changing the batteries weekly is not necessary.
Clients admitted in labor are told not to eat during labor, to avoid nausea and vomiting. Ice chips may be allowed, but this amount of fluid might not be sufficient to prevent fluid volume deficit. Option A: Impaired gas exchange related to hyperventilation would be indicated during the transition phase. Options B and C: Impaired physical mobility and fluid volume deficit are not correct in relation to the stem.
Before instilling eye drops, the nurse should cleanse the area with water. Option B: A 6-year-old child is not developmentally ready to instill his own eyedrops. Option C: Although the mother of the child can instill the eye drops, the area must be cleansed before administration. Option D: Although the eye might appear to be clear, the nurse should instill the eyedrops, as ordered, so answer D is incorrect.
The best method of birth control for the client with diabetes is the diaphragm. Options A, B, and D: Permanent intrauterine device can cause a continuing inflammatory response in diabetics that should be avoided, oral contraceptives tend to elevate blood glucose levels, and contraceptive sponges are not good at preventing pregnancy.
All of the choices are tasty, but the pregnant client needs a diet that is balanced and has increased amounts of calcium. This food item contains meat, fruit, potato salad, and yogurt, which has about 360 mg of calcium. Option A: These food items are lacking in fruits and milk. Option B: The potato chips, which contain a large amount of sodium. Option D: These food items are lacking vegetables and milk products.
A vision refers to what the institution wants to become within a particular period of time.
This is a staff relationship hence it is depicted by a broken line in the organizational structure
The principle of unity of command means that employees should receive orders coming from only one manager and not from two managers. This averts the possibility of sowing confusion among the members of the organization
Hierarchy refers to the pattern of reporting or the formal line of authority in an organizational structure.
Unity of direction means having one goal or one objective for the team to pursue; hence all members of the organization should put their efforts together towards the attainment of their common goal or objective.
The principle of ‘esprit d’ corps’ refers to promoting harmony in the workplace, which is essential in maintaining a climate conducive to work.
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