The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) is a key player in healthcare. It sets the bar high for acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice. The NCCAOM is the top group that checks if practitioners are qualified. It helps grow holistic healthcare in the U.S.
The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) is key in complementary healthcare and alternative therapies. It helps keep holistic treatments and non-western medicine practices alive. The NCCAOM is a top group for acupuncture exams, oriental medicine exams, and other chinese bodywork and herbal medicine areas. It aims for the highest professional standards in these fields.
The NCCAOM sets the rules for becoming certified in acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, and oriental medicine practices. It makes sure practitioners know how to give holistic treatments safely and effectively.
To get NCCAOM certified, you must:
This strict approach helps the NCCAOM support complementary healthcare and alternative therapies. These are based on the deep traditions of non-western medicine practices.
The NCCAOM is key in setting high standards in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. It’s the top certifying body in the U.S. The NCCAOM aims to keep people safe and help these ancient healing ways fit into today’s healthcare.
The NCCAOM makes sure practitioners know what they’re doing. They have a tough certification process. This includes exams and ongoing learning. This way, they keep the profession honest and help people make smart choices when looking for these services.
The NCCAOM also fights for acupuncture and oriental medicine to be seen and used more in healthcare. They work with lawmakers, health workers, and schools. This helps make these healing practices more known and reachable, helping people and communities all over the U.S.