MongoDB, for example, is a document-oriented database that may be used on a variety of systems. According to its classification, MongoDB is a NoSQL database application that employs JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
For find(), the default query document is {}
Forces the mongod process to flush all pending writes from the storage layer to disk and locks the whole mongod instance until the user releases the lock with a fsyncUnlock. If you want to capture backups, you can use fsync to lock the mongod instance and halt write operations.
The main key for the collection in MongoDB is the _id field, which allows each document in the collection to be uniquely identified. A unique ObjectID value is stored in the _id field.
The maxScan option is specified via the maxScan() method. When the MongoDB server conducts a scan operation, this option instructs it to specify a maximum limit for scanning documents.
To see a list of databases that are already in MongoDB, use the show dbs command
A MongoDB Server instance must start listening on a port when it is started on a system. The port number 27017 is used by default for mongod and mongos instances.
In MongoDB, a collection and a document are comparable to Table and Row concepts
The Document Object Model (DOM) is the data representation of the objects that compose the structure and content of a document on the web.