Please select 2 correct answers
Correct answer:
If the object is deforming, you can bake the deformation by using Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation
If the object is deforming, use Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation to bake the deformation.
The Export All/Selection Options box has FBX Export File Type Specific options for saving a Maya file as an FBX file using Maya's FBX plug-in.
Correct answer:
Left/Right, Up/Down & Forward/Back
Correct answer:
Emit Specular
The Command Panels are on the right hand side of the screen by default.
The Quad Menu will open by right-clicking while hovering over a selected object.
A graphical user interface (GUI) is a set of interactive visual components used in computer software. A graphical user interface (GUI) depicts objects that transmit information and reflect user actions. When a user interacts with an object, it changes its color, size, or visibility.
A shading network is a collection of connected rendering nodes that describes how colors and textures contribute to the final appearance of surfaces (typically in conjunction with lights) (materials). A shading network is made up of a shading group node and any number of connected rendering nodes.
In Maya, you may use the Area Light to create directional light rays from within a set of bounds. This tool is frequently used to duplicate fluorescent lights on a rectangular or circular boundary. Area light could also be used to generate directional shadows and illumination.