There are several immediate benefits to creating a Jenkinsfile that is checked into source control:
Pipeline code review and iteration
The Pipeline's audit trail
For the Pipeline, there is a single source of truth that can be seen and modified by multiple project members.
Jenkins is an open source automation application that enables for continuous integration and is based in the Java programming language. Jenkins builds and tests our software projects, making it easier for developers to merge changes and for users to get a new release.
The discipline and practice of securing the entire DevOps environment through strategies, rules, processes, and technology is known as DevOps security. Every stage of the DevOps lifecycle, including conception, design, development, test, release, support, maintenance, and beyond, should include security.
A node in Jenkins is a machine capable of running Pipelines or Projects. The Controller and the Agents are both considered Nodes.
Instead of "instance," Jenkins uses the term "node."
The pipeline is a set of instructions for continuous delivery that is delivered in the form of code and includes instructions for the complete construction process. You can use pipeline to create, test, and deliver an application. Jenkins runs on a node, which is a computer that runs Jenkins. A node block is mostly utilized in the syntax of automated pipelines.
In a pipeline, a stage block contains a set of steps. That is, the build, test, and deploy procedures are all integrated into a single step. The Jenkins pipeline process is typically visualized using a stage block.
Correct answer:
a viable source code repository and a build script that’s registered on that repository
A step is a single task that performs a given task at a specific time. A pipeline is a collection of steps
A Jenkins Pipeline Map is a data structure that is used to expose all Jenkins Pipeline parameters.