All these facilities are available in JavaScript. Additionally, all development environments
provide syntax to create and use memory variables, constant, and functions.
A Live Wire database driver also supports a number of non-relational databases.
In order to load a page, the browser must parse the contents of all script tags, which adds
additional time to the page load. By minimizing the amount of JavaScript needed to render
the page, and deferring parsig of uneeded JavaScript until it needs to be executed, you
can reduce the intial load time of your page.
Explanation :
If the script tag is placed after tag, then, it ill not be evaluated at all. Also, it is
always recommened and effective to use the script sinppet in the tag.
A "src" attribute could be used to add any external code into HTML document.
The 'this' keyword is used to refer to the object through which the properties or methods
were invoked. This used of 'this' is a fundamental characteristics of the methods of any class.
The basic difference between JavaScript and Java is that the functions are values, and there is
no hard distinction between methods and fields.
JavaScript prototype-based inheritance mechanism is dynamic: an object inherits properties
from its prototype, even if the prototype changes after the object is created. This means that
we can augment JavaScript classes simply by adding new methods to their proptotype objects.
The JSON format is intended for serialization of data structures and can handle JavaScript
primative values, arrays, and plain objects. It does not know about classese, and when
serializing an object, it ignores the object's prototype and constructor. If you cal JSON.stringify()
on a Range or Complex object, for example, it returns a string like {"from":1, "to":3} or {"r":1,"i":-1}.
Instances of B inherit all the instance methods of A. The class B can define its own instance
methods, some of which may override methods of the same name defined by class A.
setTimeout() and setInterval() allow you to register a function yo be invoked once or
repeatedly after a specified amount of time has elapsed.
The onerror handler method can be registered to be invoked when uncaught JavaScript
exceptions occur.
The navigator property is used to obtain browser vendor and version information.
The location prooperty of the Window obect refers to Location object, which represents the
current URL of the document displayed in the window, and which also defines methods for
making the window load a new document.
The Document object has URL property, which is static string that holds the uRL of the
document when it was first loaded.
HTTP is a stateless prorocol. A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain
information or status about each user for the duration of multiple request.
The readonly attribute readyState represents the state of the connection. It can have the
following values:
1. A value of 0 indicates that the connection has not yet been established.
2. A value of 1 indicates that the connection is established and communication is possible.
3. A value of 2 indicates that the connection is going through the closing handshake.
4. A value of 3 indicates that the connection has been closed or could not be opened.
There are four WebSocket events namely:
1. open
2. close
3. message
4. error
There is no Socket property called ready.
The history object contains URLs visited by the user (within a browser window).
Node objects that generate events (known as event emitters) define an on() method
for registering handlers.
The removeAllListeners(name) is used to remove all handlers from name events represented as
The process object is an event emitter. The Node defines other important globals under the
process namespaces that contain properties of the object like version, argv, env, pid,
getuid(), cwd(), chdir() and exit().
The SIGINT is a POSIX signal that generates event.
Rhino allows JavaScript code to query and set the static fields of Java classes and the instance
fields of Java objects. Java classes often avoid defining public fields in favor of getter and setter
methods. When getter and setter methods exist, Rhino exposes them as JavaScript properties.