This is a 'Narrow Bridge Ahead' road sign.
This is a 'Snowmobiles cross this road' road sign.
This is a regulatory sign indicating that there is a speed limit change ahead. You must be prepared to slow down to the posted speed when you see another speed limit sign without an arrow.
This is a 'No U-Turn Allowed' sign.
This is a 'Maximum Speed Limit On The Highway' road sign.
This is a 'Snowmobiles May Use This Road' sign.
This is a 'No Right Turn On Red' sign.
This is a sign warning that there is an intersection ahead. The arrow shows which direction of traffic has the right-of-way.
This is a 'Maximum truck clearance height' road sign.
This is a sign also known as 'Do Not Drive Straight Through the Intersection'.
This sign warns you that there is a rail road crossing ahead.
This is a 'No Bicycles Allowed' road sign.
These signs, above the road or as markings on the pavement before an intersection, tell drivers the direction they must travel. For example: the driver in lane one must turn left; the driver in lane two must turn right or go straight ahead; and the driver in lane three must turn right.
This sign indicates an upcoming bus entrance on the right and vehicles should be prepared to yield to buses entering the roadway.