If you want to alter a dimension in your model, you should edit the correct sketch from the timeline.
To make your sketches disappear or show/hide them, click the eyeball beside the sketch(es) in the left menu.
Every three-dimensional model begins with a 2D sketch.
You might use an offset plane to create a new plane for a new sketch.
When making a new sketch, the first thing you should do is decide
a plane to draw on.
The first thing you should do once you open a design document is to Create a New Component
You should have as few sketches as possible when designing because you will need them to finish your idea.
No, You won't be able to store your data locally in the same way that you might be used to with other tools. This is due to Autodesk's aim for a cloud-based approach with Fusion 360. You can, however, export your work to a variety of popular formats. You'll be able to select the location on your local machine where they'll be saved.
To create a new design document, we select the red circled button.