The highest male voice range is Counter Tenor, which is followed by Tenor, Baritone, and Bass.
These kinds of songs are the type of vocal WORK that make up a musical.
'Chorale' is a hymnal in German. Passions and cantatas use it frequently, but oratorios can also use it. in no secular works (operas and musicals).
Always be prepared to draw connections between the things you have learned in one university and those you have learned in others!
Scottish songs include bothy ballads and Gaelic psalms.
Scottish instrumental dances include Slow Air.
There are multiple voices in chorales and choruses.
A style of word setting is syllabic.
From one note to the next, sliding is Many vocal compositions contain the genre of song known as a glissando aria.
No key is atonal.
Find the BEAT when listening to something in compound time. If the number can be divided by three, the compound time has begun.
Only once you are aware of the TIME SIGNATURE will you be able to determine how the BAR can be divided.