Video Marketing

FREE Video Marketing on Social Media Question and Answers


One method of discovering what kinds of films are popular on YouTube is to...

Correct! Wrong!

Take your top keywords and see who is ranking well to get a head start on investigating your rivals.

Blinkx is an illustration of...

Correct! Wrong!

Blinkx is an example of a video search engine because it offers more options than a standard search engine.

Viewers have a specific requirement that ______________ have recognized.

Correct! Wrong!

A sizable portion of the audience is always interested in learning more about a particular subject.

You may gauge the success of your social video marketing activities using.

Correct! Wrong!

Your video marketing activities can be measured by a variety of measures, including video views, search engine traffic, video embeds, retweets, and so forth.

The most used online video compression standard is.

Correct! Wrong!

AVC (Advanced Video Coding), also known as H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10, is a standard for video compression and one of the most widely used formats for high-definition video delivery, including YouTube.

When you post a video to YouTube, how many words are given to you for the description of your video?

Correct! Wrong!

YouTube permits up to 250 words for the video description.

The importance of social video marketing is due to...

Correct! Wrong!

Social video marketing may be incredibly effective at persuading viewers as well as at spreading ideas and messages. Additionally, watching videos enhances our social media sharing activities such as commenting, sharing, liking, etc.