FREE UDEE Officer Writing Questions and Answers


Witness Statement Report:

The witness provided a statement detailing the events leading up to the incident, and was cooperative throughout the investigation process.

Which of the following replacements corrects the report?

Correct! Wrong!

Choice D, "during the investigation," offers a more concise and precise description of the witness's cooperation duration, avoiding redundancy and improving clarity.

After Action Report

Protesters at the Embassy began throwing rocks through the windows. Officers repelled the crowd and gained control of the situation, making 10 arrests.

Which of the following sentences, if added to the beginning of the paragraph, provides the best introduction?

Correct! Wrong!

The first sentence of a paragraph should serve to introduce the material in the rest of the paragraph. While all of the sentences are indeed related to the rocks being thrown, crowd control, and arrests, option D does this most clearly. Option A focuses on the beauty of the embassies, Option B is focused on officers working hard, Option C focuses on the rocks, and Option E focuses on vehicle damage, none of which are the focus of the paragraph.

Incident Report

During the patrol, Officer Johnson observed a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a closed business establishment. The vehicle's license plate matched the description of a stolen vehicle reported earlier in the day. Officer Johnson conducted a visual inspection of the vehicle and noticed a broken window on the driver's side. Suspecting criminal activity, Officer Johnson proceeded to call for backup.

Which of the following replacements corrects the report?

Correct! Wrong!

In this report, all the terms and phrases are appropriately used and convey the intended meaning clearly. There are no grammatical errors or inaccuracies that require correction.

Incident Report:

[1] During the traffic stop, the driver was asked to exit the vehicle.
[2] The officer detected a strong odor of alcohol on the driver's breath.
[3] The driver failed the sobriety test administered by the officer.
[4] A breathalyzer test confirmed the presence of alcohol above the legal limit.
[5] The driver was arrested for driving under the influence.

Which of the following options best maintains the chronological order of events in the report?

Correct! Wrong!

Option B is correct. The sequence of events begins with the driver being asked to exit the vehicle, followed by the detection of alcohol odor, failing the sobriety test, confirmation with the breathalyzer test, and finally, the driver's arrest.

Traffic Crash Report

After listening to instructions officers performed a training exercise in which they had to run 100 yards, do 50 push-ups, pull out a firearm, and shoot a target across the field.

Which of the following replacements corrects the report?

Correct! Wrong!

The first part of this sentence (“After listening to instructions”) is an introductory clause. An introductory clause should be followed by a comma. Thus, option A is the correct response.

Suspect Pursuit Report:

The perpetrator was seen fleeing the scene of the crime, and a police pursuit ensued immediately.

Which of the following replacements corrects the report?

Correct! Wrong!

Choice B, "observed fleeing," provides a more formal and descriptive verb choice, enhancing the clarity and professionalism of the report.

Incident and Offense Report

[1] An attendee at the rally was delayed in entering due to the need to go through enhanced screening. [2] After this incident, he was removed from the premises. [3] The attendee then became verbally abusive toward the officer in charge of the checkpoint. [4] The attendee became agitated and claimed that the delay was unwarranted. [5] The officer in charge attempted to explain the need for added security.

Which of the following options best addresses the report title?"

Correct! Wrong!

The most logical order is the order in Option B. Option A is incorrect because sentence 2 (the attendee being removed) cannot occur before the argument that ensued due to the delay. Option C is incorrect because sentence 4 (the individual becoming agitated) must occur before sentence 2 (the individual being removed from the premises). Option D is incorrect because it suggests that the attendee became verbally abusive (sentence 3) before anything occurred that could produce such a response. Option E is incorrect because it does not mention the delay (sentence 1) until the end of the paragraph, while the rest of the paragraph is based on the individual becoming upset because of the delay.

Security Checkpoint Report:

On arrival at the security checkpoint, the officer assessed the situation and took necessary actions to secure the area. Subsequently, interviews were conducted with witnesses and involved parties to gather relevant information.

Which of the following replacements corrects the report?

Correct! Wrong!

Choice C, "parties involved," corrects the grammatical structure by placing the adjective "involved" after the noun "parties," following the standard English syntax for adjective placement.

Incident Report:

[1] The suspect was seen fleeing the scene of the crime at a high rate of speed.
[2] He was later apprehended by Officer Johnson.
[3] A search of his vehicle revealed stolen property.
[4] The suspect claimed that he was innocent.
[5] He was taken into custody and transported to the police station for further questioning.

Which of the following options best maintains the logical sequence of events in the report?

Correct! Wrong!

Option C is correct. The sequence of events logically follows from the suspect fleeing the scene to being apprehended, the search of the vehicle, the suspect's claim of innocence, and finally, being taken into custody for further questioning.

Traffic Crash Report

The individual collided with the barrier because he was holding his coffee, adjusting his radio, and sent a text while driving.

Which of the following replacements corrects the report?

Correct! Wrong!

In the sentence, the construction shifts from past progressive (“was holding”, “adjusting”) to simple past (“set”). To improve this sentence, all should be written using the same construction. The best way to do this is using option D so that they all are written using the past progressive tense.

Suspect Apprehension Report:

The suspect was apprehended fleeing from the scene, and upon searching him, illegal substances were discovered in his possession.

Which of the following replacements corrects the report?

Correct! Wrong!

Choice C, "on him," provides a clearer and more concise description of the location of the discovered substances, avoiding redundancy and improving readability.