FREE TCI Crisis Prevention Strategies Questions and Answers


Which of the following techniques involves adjusting the physical space to enhance a youth's comfort and focus?

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Managing the environment includes strategies like staying within sight and sound, arranging relaxed activities, and dividing groups to create a supportive atmosphere for youth.

Which technique is characterized by expressing concern and support for a youth’s emotional state?

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How does the technique of proximity support youth in a behavioral context?

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Proximity involves having a trusted adult close by, which can help calm youth and foster a sense of safety and security, facilitating co-regulation.

Why is "time away" considered an important technique in behavioral support?

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Time away allows youth to take a break and reflect on their emotions or behavior, giving them the opportunity to self-regulate before re-engaging with others.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the assessment of behavior?

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The assessment of behavior recognizes that all behavior has meaning, reflects emotions and needs, and is influenced by trauma, rather than being solely determined by environmental factors.