
FREE SuperFoods Knowledge Question and Answers


Scientists claim that chocolate is a "superfood" that is as healthful as fruit. What sort of chocolate are they referencing?

Correct! Wrong!

Only dark chocolate that is unsweetened and has 60 percent or more cocoa is eligible for the health benefits claim. Researchers have discovered that raw cocoa powder is high in flavanols and antioxidants, which gives it a healthy reputation. However, as they are packed with fat and sugar, the health advantages are greatly diminished when utilized in any form of chocolate (luckily, benefits are least diminished in dark chocolate). Go ahead and indulge in that dark chocolate bar, but keep your daily calorie intake under 100.

Blueberries are regarded as a superfood because

Correct! Wrong!

Blueberries' strong antioxidant, potassium, and vitamin C content reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Inflammation, which is the main contributor to chronic diseases, is also controlled by blueberries. Don't consume too many berries, though; half a cup daily is adequate. Do not forget to supplement your diet with additional fruits and vegetables.

True or false: Miracle foods that promise youth and long life are superfoods.

Correct! Wrong!

Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that have the potential to improve overall health and fend off diseases, but they are unquestionably not a "fountain of youth."

Which superfoods in a diet could be beneficial for someone controlling their weight?

Correct! Wrong!

The key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. A diet rich in fiber makes you feel fuller for longer while consuming less calories. Additionally, they support healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The fiber level in whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables is extremely high. For instance, 1 grapefruit provides 3.5 g of fiber and only 74 calories, but a half-cup of pinto or kidney beans has 8 g of fiber and 110 calories.

Foods are classified as superfoods when

Correct! Wrong!

It's interesting to note that a superfood has no recognized medical definition. Any food that is naturally grown, unprocessed, and possesses qualities that promote physical and emotional wellness is considered a superfood by nutritionists and experts. Even more crucially, healthy food must only be consumed in moderation. Superfood use in excess can also be bad for your health. However, superfoods should complement your diet rather than replace it.

Fish with high levels of omega-3 are superfoods.

Correct! Wrong!

Fatty cold-water fish like mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon are high in omega-3s. Omega-3 can also be found in flax seeds, walnuts, and fortified eggs in addition to fish. They help lower cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease since they are abundant in monounsaturated fats.

Which of these beverages would you classify as a superfood?

Correct! Wrong!

Everyone is aware of the health benefits of simply drinking water. Water is essential for healthy skin, a functioning circulatory system, digestion, and even the brain. You don't need to count the calories when drinking water because it has no calories! In contrast, red wine contains a substance called resveratrol, which has been shown to have anti-aging properties. The researchers from the Netherlands then recommended the total daily fluid intake fluids (not just water) to be 3000 ml for men and 2200 ml for women. They suggested that higher fluid intake need not translate into better health benefits other than preventing recurrent kidney stones.