
FREE SuperFoods Facts Question and Answers


True or false: Due to their high fat content, nuts are not regarded as superfoods.

Correct! Wrong!

Nuts may be high in fat, but because they are unsaturated, they are "healthy" fats. Walnuts are well known for being heart healthy, and almonds and walnuts also help lower cholesterol. Additionally, nuts are a good source of protein, dietary fiber, vitamin E, and minerals like copper and magnesium. Avoid buying salted nuts from the shop because they are high in sodium. You can toast them yourself, then season with sea salt

The reason why oatmeal is regarded as a superfood is

Correct! Wrong!

Depending on your age and gender, the American Dietetic Association recommends consuming 21 to 38 g of fiber daily. Oatmeal keeps you full and is high in fiber, preventing you from being tempted to eat unnecessary snacks. Consequently, you can manage your weight while also lowering your cholesterol. Oatmeal and other whole grains also assist in lowering the risk of diabetes, a risk factor for heart disease.

False or true: Soy is a superfood that reduces cholesterol.

Correct! Wrong!

Since soy protein intake was discovered to be inversely related to total and LDL cholesterol concentrations in pre- and post-menopausal women, clinical trials have demonstrated that consuming soy protein lowers blood cholesterol. Nutritionists recommend soy in all of its forms, but not soy powder. If you have a history of breast cancer in your family, use soy with caution.

A superfood, quinoa is known for its

Correct! Wrong!

Quinoa is a member of the spinach and chard family and is mostly farmed for its palatable seeds. Because of the grains' high protein content and balanced composition of essential amino acids, which makes them a "complete" protein source among plant foods, they are referred to as superfoods. Additionally, it is a good provider of phosphorus and dietary fiber. Since quinoa is gluten-free, it is simple to digest. The high saponin content of quinoa, which must be eliminated by 'rinsing' before cooking, is the only drawback. Quinoa that has been cooked has a mildly nutty flavor and a light, fluffy texture. Quinoa flour can be used in gluten-free baking, and quinoa flakes can be eaten as a high-protein breakfast.

Which green vegetable is most effective at preventing cancer?

Correct! Wrong!

Spinach is a lutein and vitamin E-rich green leafy superfood. These antioxidants support the prevention of liver, colon, ovarian, and prostate cancer. Additionally, spinach has a variety of additional vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that are beneficial for bone mineralization, muscular growth, eye health, preventing macular degeneration, and a lot of other health conditions. It makes sense why Popeye loves spinach.

The tomato is a heart-healthy superfood, true or false

Correct! Wrong!

Lycopene, an oxygenated carotenoid with potent antioxidant qualities that protect the health of your heart, can be found in abundance in tomatoes. Lycopene's role in the prevention of cardiovascular illnesses has been well demonstrated by epidemiological research and human supplementation trials.

What other superfood, except spinach, prevents cancer?

Correct! Wrong!

Sulforaphane, is a compound found in broccoli sprouts that can lower the risk of stomach, breast, and skin cancers The phytonutrient quercetin, which is abundant in apples, can lower the risk of lung cancer and halt the progression of prostate cancer. Breast, esophagus, and stomach cancers are among the risks that garlic helps to lower. When phytonutrients collaborate rather than function independently, their impact is stronger. So be sure to incorporate colorful fruits and veggies into your diet.