FREE RSO Regulatory Compliance Questions and Answers


What is the maximum permissible dose of ionizing radiation for occupational exposure for adult workers as per NRC regulations?

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According to NRC regulations (10 CFR 20), the maximum permissible dose for occupational exposure to ionizing radiation is 5 rem (50 mSv) per year for adult workers. This limit applies to the total effective dose equivalent, which includes both internal and external radiation exposures.

In the event of a radiation spill, what is the FIRST action that should be taken by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)?

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In the event of a radiation spill, the first action should be to prevent access to the area and contain the spill. This minimizes the risk of radiation exposure to other individuals. Once the area is secured, appropriate cleanup procedures can be initiated, and regulatory authorities may need to be informed depending on the severity of the incident.

What action must an organization take if an employee receives radiation exposure exceeding NRC regulatory limits?

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If an employee receives radiation exposure that exceeds NRC regulatory limits, the organization must report the incident to the NRC within 24 hours (10 CFR 20.2202). This allows the NRC to investigate the cause of the overexposure and determine what corrective actions may be necessary to prevent future incidents.

What is the primary federal agency responsible for regulating the use of radioactive materials in the United States?

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is the main federal agency that regulates the use of radioactive materials in the U.S. This includes the licensing, inspection, and enforcement of regulations regarding the use, handling, and disposal of radioactive materials in medical, industrial, and academic settings. The EPA and OSHA have related roles, but the NRC specifically handles radioactive material.

Which of the following is a required component of a Radiation Protection Program under NRC regulations?

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NRC regulations mandate that personnel dosimetry (the measurement of radiation exposure to workers) and exposure records must be maintained as part of a Radiation Protection Program. These records ensure that workers' radiation doses remain within regulatory limits and provide documentation for regulatory agencies during inspections or audits.