Shifting close things out of the path during a seizure can help avoid damage.
For adult CPR, a compression-to-ventilation ratio of 30 compressions to 2 ventilations is advised.
Breathing difficulties indicate anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction.
The percentage of the body surface area affected by burns is estimated using the Rule of Nines.
The patient should be moved to a cool location and have any excess clothing removed in order to help reduce body temperature in cases of heat stroke.
The patient's state of consciousness and responsiveness must be evaluated as the first priority.
To avoid harm, it is crucial to make sure the patient is not touched while receiving shocks.
Naloxone, a drug that counteracts the effects of opioids, is the first line of treatment for an overdose of opioids.
Making a call for help is the first step in performing CPR to make sure help is on its way.
To reduce spine movement in cases of suspected spinal injury, the head should be kept in a neutral position.
Setting out the alarm, rescuing anyone in immediate danger, containing the fire, and then making an effort to put it out are the proper sequence of events.