FREE RES Law Questions and Answers


In real estate law, what is the term for an individual who has died without a will?

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When an individual dies without a will, they are said to have died "intestate," and their property is distributed according to state intestacy laws.

What is a lien in the context of real estate?

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A lien is a legal claim or hold on a property, typically used to secure payment of a debt or obligation.

Which of the following is true about the statute of frauds as it relates to real estate transactions?

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The statute of frauds requires that contracts for the sale of real estate must be in writing to be legally enforceable, preventing fraud and misunderstandings.

What is the primary purpose of a deed in a real estate transaction?

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A deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership of real property from the seller to the buyer.

Which type of ownership allows for the property to automatically pass to the surviving co-owner(s) upon the death of an owner?

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Joint tenancy with the right of survivorship means that when one co-owner dies, their interest in the property automatically passes to the surviving co-owner(s).