The right response is A. The ACC is said to provide service to 50 contract cities in the passage.
The right response is B. The WIB is required to "deliver critical policy choices," according to the provision.
The right response is B. According to the paragraph, the Bureau runs a "full-service" crime lab.
The right response is D. If the price displayed at the register does not "meet what is listed on the shelf or advertised," the clause warns that the store will be in violation.
The right response is A. Reserve Deputies, according to the clause, are "those who desire to serve their community."
The right response is C. According to the paragraph, the Criminal Grand Jury weighs the evidence before deciding whether or not a particular person should be made to appear in Superior Court for a trial.
The right response is C. The events and materials provided by the Education Department are "intended to extend the museum experience," according to the paragraph.
The right response is D. The paragraph claims that the department caters to the various demands of both locals and guests.
The right response is B. According to the legislation, the Grand Jury investigates the activities of numerous governmental organizations in Los Angeles County.
The right response is B. Numerous Program initiatives are "particularly targeted toward neighborhoods with children at significant risk of under-immunization," according to the paragraph.
The right response is C. According to the text, TCP aims to create media environments that encourage the decline of tobacco use and the diseases, disabilities, and fatalities that go along with it.
The right response is A. Two hints are given in the passage that indicate it is a comprehensive public service initiative. It first mentions the large range of activities that W.A.T.E.R. offers. It also says that W.A.T.E.R. aspires to be a leader in public service.
The right response is A. Two hints are given in the paragraph that unclaimed property is sold to the general public. According to the first sentence, surplus property is "offered for sale to the public." Second, it mentions that unclaimed property is included in the surplus property.
The right response is D. The Fire Department serves inhabitants in "all unincorporated County regions," according to the clause.
The right response is A. According to the law, agricultural inspectors check marketplaces and ensure the accuracy of all documents before certifying farms.
The right response is A. According to the text, carrying a current license for your dog "is your best insurance of having your dog returned to you."