When is it okay for you to cross the running line or get close to it?
A safe place to stand when a train is passing is called a position of safety.
What is the lowest point at which a line with a top speed of 100 mph is safe?
When on or near the line, the safest location to stroll is an authorized pedestrian route. Where could you locate published details? Mark all that apply.
Please select 3 correct answers
When you are "Lineside or On or Near the Line," what personal safety measures do you need to take? Mark all that apply.
Please select 5 correct answers
When a train is approaching while you are on or close to the line, what should you do?
How would you respond to an incoming train's warning horn after you were in a secure spot?
If a train is approaching and you are unable to get to a safe distance, what would you do?