Being dignified is crucial, yet Scrum does not include dignity in its list of values. Commitment, focus, openness, respect, and bravery are the five Scrum values.
Product owner, Scrum Master, and developers make up the three roles or accountabilities on a Scrum team. Project manager is not a Scrum position. Project manager is not mentioned in the Scrum Guide.
The Scrum Guide refers to the product backlog as "an emergent, ordered list of what is needed to improve the product." It is a list of all the items that are still in development.
It's a little bit of a trick question. Scrum doesn't use daily standup meetings. Daily standup is a word from extreme programming. People "stand up" to ensure that the status meeting doesn't last too long so they don't have aching feet. The word is ableist since not everyone can stand. Furthermore, avoiding discomfort should not be a motivation for brief meetings. There is a daily scrum event in scrum. It doesn't have a daily standup.
The product owner is solely responsible for the product backlog. Nobody else organizes or assigns a priority to the items in the product backlog, nor does anyone else manage it.
The "definition of done" is the only indicator by which a product backlog item's completion is evaluated. when a backlog item for a product satisfies the criteria for being finished. A Scrum increment is made once it is judged complete.
Scrum is said to be immutable, according to the Scrum Guide. Scrum must thus be used in its totality. You cannot pick and choose whatever components of Scrum you wish to use. That is referred to be an antipattern or SrumBut. At all costs, stay away from them.