While it is crucial for a project manager to have the ability to negotiate, influence, and solve problems, the T&T category of interpersonal and team abilities is the one that shows 20 times in the ITTO chart alone (the term appears 75 times in PMBOK Guide v6). In fact, the T&Ts listed under interpersonal and team skills include influence and bargaining. Another T&T that appears twice in the PMBOK Guide v6 ITTO chart is problem-solving.
Project management is described in the PMBOK Guide as the process of applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to achieve project requirements.
Processes for project authorization, execution, knowledge management, change approval, integration of all M&C processes, and project closure are all included in project integration management.
"A project is a temporary activity intended to generate a unique product, service, or outcome," according to the PMBOK. Projects never remain active. They may be a little repetitious, but there must always be a distinctive result.
The customer requested the new component, which led to the start of this project.
In contrast to Matrix organizations, where the project manager and functional manager split responsibilities, a projectized organization provides the project manager complete control over resources, budgets, and timelines. There is no such thing as a "functional matrix," and functional organizations give the functional manager control.
Each phase of a project life cycle that uses a phased method must proceed through all five process groups, from initiating to closing. Phases may overlap, and you may start the project and every phase mentioned simultaneously. A phase gate review could also be part of closing. Any response that does not list each of the 5 process groups is incorrect.