FREE PICAT General Science Questions and Answers


The resultant of distance and force is

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Work = Force x Distance

A vector can be used to represent force. A vector is indicative of

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A vector that is used for depicting a force has two components: direction and magnitude.

When two forces act against each other on an item, the resulting force is

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The difference between the two forces is the resulting force when the two forces are acting in opposing directions.

How many degrees does water go from its boiling point to its freezing point on a Celsius thermometer?

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Water has a boiling temperature of 100 degrees Celsius and a freezing value of 0 degrees Celsius.

Of the following, which one is NOT a fruit?

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Seeds are found in fruits. Since they lack seeds, carrots are regarded as a vegetable. Since corn is the seed of the corn plant, it is classified as a fruit by scientists.

An illustration of this would be a pot on a hot stove.

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Heat is immediately transferred from a hot object to a colder object by conduction.

Which two components make up the formal binomial nomenclature (or scientific name) of a living organism?

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The Genus and Species of an organism make up its scientific name.

The phrase "all the organisms living in a particular place and their interactions with each other and their environment" defines which of the following terms?

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An "ecosystem" is any group of creatures that coexist in a certain area and the ways in which they interact with one another and the environment. It consists of both abiotic (non-living) and biotic (life) elements.

What an anemometer measures

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Watts serve as a measuring unit for

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Watts are used to measure power.

Ascorbic acid is referred to as

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Ascorbic acid is another name for vitamin C.