Physician Assistant

FREE Physician Assistant Scientific Knowledge Questions and Answers


Which of the following lung diseases is marked by dyspnea, pursed lips during breathing, a thin, wasted appearance, a hardly audible cough, and diminished breathing sounds?

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Emphysema is a chronic, progressive lung condition that predominantly results in breathlessness. Emphysema is clinically indicated by dyspnea, lip-pursing breathing, a thin, wasted appearance, a little cough, and diminished breath sounds.

For chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, all of the following are suggested treatment options EXCEPT:

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The management of COPD frequently recommends the use of inhaled beta-agonists, oxygen, anticholinergics, systemic or inhaled corticosteroids, pneumococcal and flu vaccinations, and cessation of smoking. Usually, beta blockers should not be used for the condition.

Which of the following cardiomyopathies on a chest radiograph exhibits an inflated balloon-like heart and pulmonary congestion?

Correct! Wrong!

On a chest radiograph, dilated cardiomyopathy manifests as an inflated, balloon-like heart and pulmonary congestion.

Which of the following DON'T add to the causes of atrial fibrillation?

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Pneumonia, ischemia, rheumatic heart disease, anemia, atrial myxoma, and thyrotoxicosis are common etiological causes of atrial fibrillation (hyperthyroidism).

Which of the following cardiovascular disorders frequently exhibits an irregularly irregular pulse as a typical clinical sign?

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The most prevalent sustained cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation (AF), is characterized by an abnormally irregular ventricular pulse and a loss of connection between the heart apex beat and radial pulsation.

Which of the following negative effects of beta channel blockers is NOT one of them?

Correct! Wrong!

The most common condition for which beta blockers are treated is hypertension. Beta blockers typically result in hypotension.

Which of the following side effects is most frequently experienced after using angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors for an extended period of time?

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One of the most frequent adverse reactions following long-term ACEI treatment is dry cough. The coughing may go away within a month, and if one ACE inhibitor makes you cough, it's likely that the others will too.


Which of the following does NOT contribute to left-sided heart failure?

Correct! Wrong!

One of the most common causes of left sided heart failure is systemic hypertension, not pulmonary hypertension. Heart failure on the right side is frequently the result of pulmonary hypertension.

Of the following cells, which one develops into osteoblasts, which create bone for remodeling and repair?

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Adult bones contain osteogenic cells, which develop into osteoblasts to generate bone for remodeling and repair. Osteogenic cells resemble mesenchymal cells.

Which heart valves are shutting when the first heart sound is made?

Correct! Wrong!

At the start of ventricular contraction, or systole, the mitral and tricuspid atrioventricular valves close, blocking reverse blood flow and resulting in the first heart sound.

Which of the following tests is most accurate for determining whether someone has primary hypothyroidism?

Correct! Wrong!

The most sensitive test is focused on measuring TSH levels in the blood, even though any of the aforementioned procedures may be used to evaluate the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism.

Which of the following diseases, which can be brought on by heart failure, features bouts of deep breathing interspersed with periods of no breathing?

Correct! Wrong!

Kussmaul breathing, which occurs when the respiratory center in the brain's medulla is stimulated by acidosis, such as in diabetic ketoacidosis, is deep, strong, and rapid breathing.

Which of the following is NOT a tetralogy of fallot feature?

Correct! Wrong!

The main right to left shunt in tetralogy of fallot is obstructed right ventricular outflow. Blood ultimately travels to the aorta instead of the pulmonary artery.

What clinical characteristics characterize esophageal achalasia?

Correct! Wrong!

Esophageal achalasia, a fundamental disease of esophageal motility, often manifests as dysphagia for both solid and liquid foods.


Which of the following is the Rocky Mountain spotted fever-causing organism?

Correct! Wrong!

The bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii, which is the prototype in the spotted fever group of rickettsiae, is the cause of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). The Americas are home to Rickettsia rickettsii, which is spread to people by the bite of infected ticks.

Which one of the following conditions is NOT a long-term side effect of essential hypertension?

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A persistent side effect of secondary hypertension is NOT asthma. Diabetes, coronary heart failure (CHF), neuropathy, nephropathy, diabetes mellitus, and retinopathy are some of the frequent long-term consequences of secondary hypertension.